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Hard to kill plants & Plant parent essentials

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Beginner friendly plants and how to care for them as well as products that I personally recommend in order to make your plants thrive. **Some of these plants may be toxic to pets so please be careful to keep them out of reach!**

Hard to kill plants

These plants thrive on neglect making it easy to keep them alive! Most common issues are over and under-watering - but if you create a routine to water them on a specific day, you'll have happy plants! I use the ‘Planta’ app to make sure I don't forg... 

Kristen Vercetti profile picture
There are TONS of different ‘breeds’ when it comes to Snake Plants so pick one that matches your vibe. They thrive from neglect! Water once a month, put them in some indirect sunlight and watch them THRIVE - they are toxic though, so keep out of reac...
Snake Plant: Care & Growing Guide
Kristen Vercetti profile picture
Succulents are similar to snake plants with their minimal effort needed to stay alive. I've had my lil succulent for several years and I can't even tell you how many times I've forgotten to water her, but she stays happy! There are a lot of different...
Types of Succulent Plants (with pictures)
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Cacti are so easy to keep alive and they add a lil ‘spice’ to your plants! I personally love how they come in so many different sizes! - just be careful as some of these can be very sharp and I can speak from first hand experience, keep some tweezers...
15 Low-Maintenance Indoor Cacti and Succulents
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TRUE STORY: My mom got one of these Money Trees and 24hrs later, won $35k with the queen of hearts at our local tavern! Call it what you want, but I love to believe these trees bring financial abundance. They are low maintenance and honestly really n...
Money Tree Care: How to Grow a Lucky Money Tree Plant
Kristen Vercetti profile picture
I love the tropical look of the Monstera plants. They are easy to care for AND they can live fully in water! I love growing plants in water - you can watch their roots grow and it's such an amazing process! Have you ever propagated a plant in water?
How To Propagate Monstera: Water, Soil, Air & Root Methods
Kristen Vercetti profile picture
There are lots of different Pothos plants out there, and they are all pretty easy to care for. Water every 1-2 weeks and they'll be happy. I love watching these plants grow - they can climb nearby objects (or a trellis) making them a really cool hous...
Pothos: Plant Care & Growing Guide - Houseplants

Plant parent essentials

What tools are needed to start and grow your plants/garden. This is created to be a one stop shop for all plant parents and gardeners. We are learning together so feel free to share any tips or tricks you may have! 

Kristen Vercetti profile picture
Amazon has a ton of different kits, but I personally believe as long as you have a shovel, gloves, and a watering can - you're set! Start small and you can always grow from there. There's no need to get the most expensive, fancy kit.
Garden Kit
Kristen Vercetti profile picture
I love the look of the pots with no drainage, but the plants don't like it as much. I recommend getting pots that have a drainage hole on the bottom - some come with a cute plate for underneath or I've seen people go to the thrift store and find deco...
Indoor - Plant Pots - Planters
Kristen Vercetti profile picture
I am obsessed with watching my plants grow roots in water - a ton of plants can be propagated in water like this - just be careful how long you keep them in the water as not all plants can live in water long term. I love this mostly for my pothos pla...
Propagation Station
Kristen Vercetti profile picture
I personally have the grow light with 5 arms - but I'm also a crazy plant lady and I can't stop buying and propagating my plants, so pick the one that makes the most sense to you. Winter months can be pretty harsh even to indoor plants. Most of these...
Best Plant Growing Lamps
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It's so easy to forget which plant is which - especially if you're like me and you buy several plants at a time! I got a pack of these cute name tags (OR you can DIY them) on Amazon and they're perfect for plant parents who, like me, may be a little ...
Best Plant Labels
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I use Planta to remember when I'm supposed to water my plants because it's hard to remember otherwise! The app hosts a community that helps answer questions and plant concerns you have. I tried a few different apps before finding Planta, but this one...
Planta App