Benable — create shareable lists of things you recommend!
E.g., products you love, local businesses, travel recs - you can add anything to a Benable list!

#Grateful4 Club

Purple Star emoji 5 items
A Place for new writers to express their #GratitudeInPublic

My Gratitude Journals

This collection is a few of my first KDP creations. 
I made gratitude journals because I needed to use them.  And it worked! 

LaLa ✿Indie Maker✿ profile picture
Shameless self-promotion, & Grateful for the opportunity to make my own Gratitude journal that fits my gratitude practice.
Grateful4: Gratitude Journal & Notebook
LaLa ✿Indie Maker✿ profile picture
Spanish edition of a Good Day Journal
Diario para empezar un Buen Dia (Spanish Edition)
LaLa ✿Indie Maker✿ profile picture
To reflect on the day's events, Ponder and set the Intention for what is coming.
Reflection on the Day: Hand Drawn Lined Journal


LaLa ✿Indie Maker✿ profile picture
#Grateful4 all the blessings of a community built on gratitude.
#Grateful4 Gratitude in Public Club
LaLa ✿Indie Maker✿ profile picture
Curated Newsletter searching out the practice of #GratitudeInPublic
Gratitude In Bloom | LaLa Indie Maker | Substack