Discover a thrilling lineup of TV series perfect for fans of the supernatural genre. Dive into these captivating shows filled with otherworldly mysteries, supernatural beings, and thrilling plot twists. Whether you're drawn to paranormal investigatio...
Discover a thrilling lineup of TV series perfect for fans of the supernatural genre. Dive into these captivating shows filled with otherworldly mysteries, supernatural beings, and thrilling plot twists. Whether you're drawn to paranormal investigatio...
The Winchesters
"The Umbrella Academy" is a critically acclaimed TV series based on the comic book series created by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá. Set in an alternate universe where 43 children are inexplicably born to unconnected women who showed no signs of pregnancy...
The Umbrella Academy
"Bitten" is a supernatural drama series based on the "Women of the Otherworld" novels by Kelley Armstrong. Set in a world where werewolves exist alongside humans in secret, the series follows Elena Michaels, the only female werewolf in existence. Aft...
"The Magicians" is a fantasy television series based on the novel of the same name by Lev Grossman. It follows Quentin Coldwater, a brilliant but socially awkward young man who discovers that magic is real and that he possesses a unique ability. Acce...
The Magicians
"Shadowhunters" is a supernatural drama series based on "The Mortal Instruments" novels by Cassandra Clare. Set in a world where humans coexist with demons, vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural beings, the series follows Clary Fray, a young w...
"Constantine" is a supernatural drama series based on the DC Comics character John Constantine, also known as Hellblazer. The show follows John Constantine, a charismatic and irreverent occult detective and demon hunter with a troubled past. Haunted ...
"Legacies" is a supernatural drama series that serves as a spin-off of "The Vampire Diaries" and "The Originals," created by Julie Plec. Set in the fictional town of Mystic Falls, the show follows Hope Mikaelson, the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and H...
"Charmed" is a supernatural fantasy drama series that originally premiered in 1998 and was rebooted in 2018. The show follows the lives of three sisters, known as the Charmed Ones, who discover they are powerful witches destined to protect the innoce...
"Midnight, Texas" is a supernatural drama series based on the book series by Charlaine Harris. Set in the remote town of Midnight, Texas, the show follows a diverse group of residents who possess unique supernatural abilities or connections to the su...
Midnight, Texas
"American Gods" is a television series based on Neil Gaiman's acclaimed novel of the same name. The show explores a modern-day world where ancient gods from various mythologies exist alongside new deities created by modern beliefs and obsessions. Sha...
American Gods
"Preacher" is a supernatural drama series based on the comic book series of the same name created by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon. The show follows Jesse Custer, a conflicted preacher in a small Texas town who becomes possessed by a mysterious entity...
"Sleepy Hollow" is a supernatural drama series inspired by Washington Irving's classic short story, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." The show follows Ichabod Crane, a Revolutionary War soldier who mysteriously awakens in present-day Sleepy Hollow after...
Sleepy Hollow
A teenage boy and girl get their lives changed forever when a California wildfire awakens a terrifying supernatural creature.
Wolf Pack
"The Originals" is a supernatural drama series and a spin-off of "The Vampire Diaries," created by Julie Plec. Set in the vibrant and mystical city of New Orleans, the show follows the Mikaelson siblings, who are the original family of vampires: Klau...
The Originals
"The Order" is a supernatural horror drama series that follows Jack Morton, a college freshman who joins a secret society known as the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose. As Jack delves deeper into the mysteries of the Order, he discovers a world of mag...