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Toys and Activity Centers for Newborns to 12 months old!

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These are all items or toys from newborn and up that have kept our little thriving and entertained.
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My daughter will sit (or lay) and play with this for quite awhile. She loves turning the pages, the music that is played and hitting the pages to hear different noises and sounds.
LeapFrog Learning Friends 100 Words Book
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I can't say enough about this activity cube! It's so well made and you can really tell it will last for ages! She loves when we sit down on the floor together and play with this. It has been a great tool in helping her sit up unassisted.
B. toys Wooden Activity Cube - Zany Zoo
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Our girl LOVES these Maracas. The tambourine is okay, but she goes crazy for the maracas. So good for entertaining her, especially in the car.
Fisher-Price Tambourine & Maracas Gift Set
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Now that our daughter can sit-up she loves plating with this. I help her pop them open and she then closes them. We then repeat this about 30 times 🤭
Fisher-Price Paradise Pals Tropical Fun Pop-Up
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This is amazing for the babies that are just learning to sit up but are still little limp noodles! She loves sitting here and playing.
Galt Toys Playnest - Farm Baby Activity Center
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This toy has been great for her to practice sitting up and she is in love with the little car that comes with this.
Montessori 8-in-1 Toys for 1+ Year Olds
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This is such a fun activity for her that she's trying to stand and attempt crawling. It's well made, easy to clean and Insee us getting years worth of us out of it.
TOLEAD Soft Foam Climbing Blocks Set - Pink
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Her absolute favorite part of this is the little coffee cup! Maybe because she sees mommy with her coffee at Target all the time?
Melissa & Doug Wooden Shape Sorting Cart
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Absolutely one of the best rattles and teether combinations I've seen. This is really a must have for your teething little one.
Aprilwolf Baby Sensory Teething Toys
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Such a cute little toy! This pineapple stacker is perfect for our teething girl. She loves the crinkle noises and the hard portion in the center is a favorite for her to chew on.
Melissa & Doug Pineapple Soft Stacker Toy
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She absolutely loves these! We use them in the bath and when she's sitting in her high chair!
ALASOU 3PCS Suction Cup Spinner Toys
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Bath toys that also used to help with tummy time! We floated them in a baking dish and let her splash them around.
Munchkin Float & Play Bubbles Bath Toy, 4ct
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We loved these high contrast images. They did help plenty with tummy time!
Spiggly High Contrast Baby Toys & Books
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Absolutely loved everything about this activity center! Even now at 7 months she still plays with the piano. It was a great purchase for us.
Baby Einstein 4-in-1 Kickin' Tunes Play Gym
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We call this Mr. Crinkles and she loves him 😊 Very easy to wash, great for teething and comfort.
Itzy Ritzy Bitzy Crinkle Bunny Toy