We'll get by on Spite, Sarcasm, and Wine. But some of these things might help too.
This app has been really helpful for me to learn about what to expect in this journey and understanding & tracking my symptoms!
Try our FREE perimenopause and menopause tracking app
I've really noticed a difference in my daily overall energy since I started taking these. Plus I really enjoy the way they taste!
Metabolism Gummy Rings– OLLY PBC
At this point in life, my morning coffee needs to do more than just dose me with caffeine. In fact, I need a lot less caffeine thanks to the perimeno anxiety increase, and the mushroom coffee helps give me a better kind of boost without the jitters o...
Mushroom Coffee (30 Servings) - RYZE
This is probably the only fitness and workout app that I have actually enjoyed using! The indoor walking workouts are easy and fun and help me stay active even when I'm not wanting to leave the house.
Weight Loss Walking: WalkFit - Apps on Google Play
Trust me, you need a quality probiotic
URO Vaginal Probiotics for Women PH Balance with - Walmart
Perimenopause means your hair, skin and nails are becoming more brittle and dry. A good collagen supplement can help with the itchy dry skin, wrinkles, and hair breakage.
Collagen Supplements | Walgreens
A tincture of adaptagenic herbs to help soothe and restore the adrenal system and the nervous system after periods of stress. As always, check with your trusted medical professional before taking herbal supplements.
Adrenal Support - Western Botanical Medicine
Sometimes you just need a little help moving things along. The serving suggestion on this is 2 capsules but I only need one and I'm always glad I didn't take 2! Check with your Dr and use caution with all supplements!
Cleanse & Detox | Walgreens
If you're like me, you're woefully uninformed about The Change. Read a book to help educate yourself on all the stuff happening in your body.
Preparing for the Perimenopause and Menopause Audiobook - Audible
I absolutely love this gentle face moisturizer! Help with the dry patches, big pores, and fine lines, while being gentle for my sensitive skin
Vanishing Cream | Skin Moisturiser For Sensitive Skin | LUSH
Sometimes you might just want a little form-fitting shapewear to go under the cute dress that fit you perfectly last year but now it's not quite fitting right. I really like these body suits for special occasions
Bodysuits – OQQ
A little bit of comfort for the cramps or bloating times. Even if it is happening less often, you still can have some comfort when it arrives..
Heating Pad For Menstrual Pain Relief - Walgreens
This makes me happy when I'm cramping and grumpy. A warm lil lobster to hug, plus some aromatherapy.
Lavender Scented Heating Pad by What Do You Meme? - Walmart.com
My hair is fine and straight, and already thin. Perimenopause is thinning my hair even more, but this shampoo gives a great boost and healthy feel to my hair again!
33.8 oz Volume Bloom Shampoo - Biolage | Ulta Beauty
Some extra encouragement for daily self care and tending to my mental health with a cute and fun little app!
Finch: Self-Care Pet
A subscription weight loss app that is geared towards those experiencing slower metabolism due to perimenopause or menopause. Includes daily bite-size educational content, a step tracker, water tracker, weight tracking, food diary, and a Fasting time...