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Corporate Fashion...because YES!

Purple Star emoji 4 items
Working in corporate for years... I loved expressing myself with fashion. They say we shouldn't judge a book by its cover BUT honey! 👀 we do get judged lol. We worry if we are showing too much skin, is the shape unflattering, will it hide the parts ...
Anna-lisa Dunn profile picture
Light, loose and colorful options are a great choice for the summer. Functional fashion for corporate.
100 Best Summer office style ideas | style, work outfit, work fashion
Anna-lisa Dunn profile picture
Excellent for your staple pieces in your wardrobe. Lots of clean cuts and solid colours. Yes, yes,yes.
KARMA Women's Corporate Wear
Anna-lisa Dunn profile picture
Nude and black heels allow you to play with alot of colour in your outfit. This is where you make your statement 😉
Schutz Stiletto Heels
Anna-lisa Dunn profile picture
Your not done if you don't have your earrings on! Don't be shy to play with different designs. These gorgeous dainty pieces are a must.
Womens Earrings - Cape Town - Meraki Jewellery Design