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Healthy mind - healthy body

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After over indulging this past festive season, its back to basics. I have always appreciated healthier eating and exercise to stay slim but as I get older a healthy lifestyle carries a deeper meaning and the importance of a healthy mindset to maintai...
Anna-lisa Dunn profile picture
Its important to get your mind right first. I've read a couple of books to help with my reset. Dr. Caroline Leaf is one of my favorites. I love her take on the mind-brain connection.
Who switched off my brain? : controlling toxic thoughts and ...
Anna-lisa Dunn profile picture
I can't talk about the mind and not mention Jim Kwik. He has a real zest for life and empowering people.
Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain & Learn Faster
Anna-lisa Dunn profile picture
Start anywhere, as long as you start! Any small step is still a step forward. Push yourself to keep going.
How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: 12 Effective Tips - Healthline
Anna-lisa Dunn profile picture
Park runs are great. Find a club or community events that you can join. It helps keep you on track and they can be alot of fun.
Rietvlei parkrun, JHB South
Anna-lisa Dunn profile picture
Please don't forget to prioritize good sleep. I know that life can feel like peak traffic all the time but remember rest is a necessity, not a luxury!
Better sleep: Why it's important for your health and tips to sleep soundly