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Baby must haves
17 items
Melissa Johnson
Baby must haves that have made my life easier
Baby must haves
Baby must haves
Perfect bottle warmer
Philips Avent Premium Fast Bottle Warmer
Teaching you all the things you need to know to get your little one to sleep
Taking Cara Babies
Best for nursing, helping siblings hold baby, tummy time and more. I've used this for all 3 babies.
Nursing Pillows
Making play time fun. You'll never forget the song lol
Fisher-Price Baby Playmat Deluxe Kick & Play ...
I've used these on all 3 kids and we LOVE them!
Learn more about HALO SleepSack Wearable Blankets
When baby gets a little bigger this is another super light weight carrier. Being a mama of 3 baby wearing is a must!
Baby Carrier For Newborn - Embrace Newborn Carrier
This stroller is light weight and easy to maneuver with a large storage compartment underneath.
Mockingbird Single-to-Double Stroller
My 3 yr old loves this feature and I love the fact that it's next to you and not in front of you while pushing the stroller.
Riding Board - Mockingbird
When you have to pump but can't be attached to the wall. Check your insurance to see if they will pay for your pump before purchasing one!
S12 Pro Wearable Breast Pump - High Efficiency
My last baby hated to be swaddled, she loves her hands so this provided her with the comfort while still being able to get to her hands.
LOVE TO DREAM US | Swaddles, Baby Sleep Bags & ...
Loved this for all 3 of my kids!
Bumbo: Home
100% worth the price. Wish I would of purchased this with my 1st.
DockATot® - Award-winning products designed for the ...
Best baby wrap. Light weight, easy to use and doesn't make you hot when wearing baby.
Baby Carrier Wraps
Tried and true for all 3 of my kids
Closer to Nature 3 in 1 Glass Baby Bottle Set, 9oz
I love using this when I know we'll be walking a bunch. My oldest even goes in it.
Radio Flyer Convertible Stroller Wagon with Canopy
Perfect sound machine for on the go
Yogasleep Hushh Portable White Noise Machine