Ready to join me in this challenge? I have looked into ways that can help us grow and unlock our true potential. I'm choosing to do 5 for the next month, can't wait to see your results! Which one are you trying?
Wear a bracelet and switch wrists every time you complain. Keep it on the same wrist for 21 days!
No Complaints Bracelet
Find and photograph one thing you're grateful for that starts with each letter of the alphabet
The Gratitude Scavenger Hunt
Choose a skill you're terrible at. Practice it for 15 minutes daily. Embrace imperfection and watch your mindset transform.
The "Suck at Something" Challenge
5 big tasks, 4 medium tasks, 3 small tasks, taking 2 breaks, and rewarding yourself 1 time daily.
The 5-4-3-2-1 Method
Write a letter to yourself 1 year from now. Seal it, then write 3 things you can do today to make "Future You" proud.
The "Future You" Pact
Start with 30 seconds of cold water at the end of your shower. Increase by 10 seconds daily. Improves resilience and energy.
Cold Shower Challenge
Aim to get rejected once a day for 30 days. Fear, begone!
Rejection Therapy
Invest $5 weekly in a new experience. Expand your comfort zone!
The $5 Experiment
Write 30 kind acts on slips of paper. Draw one daily and complete it, no matter how awkward or challenging. Spread joy, gain purpose!
The Random Acts of Kindness Roulette
Instead of focusing on future goals, write down 10 amazing things you've already accomplished. Instant confidence boost!