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Pet Flea, Tick and Heartworm Treatments

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Great Service, Amazing Prices Protect Your Best Friend from Ticks, Fleas, Heartworm, and Intestinal Worms. This is for both Cats and Dogs. We love Buy all your Flea and Tick Treatments without a prescription!  In addition, we love their Referral Program! Receive $5 off your first purchase. Use PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your next order.


Receive $5 off your first purchase of Advantage for Dogs and Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your next order.

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Advantage Green for dogs provides fast relief from fleas. Expiry date: 09/2025 Brand: Advantage An allover flea preventative for your small dog or cat, Advantage Green 12 Pack Small Dogs works equally well for felines and canines of similar size incl...
Advantage for Dogs & Cats | Free Shipping - PetBucket


Receive $5 off your first purchase of Advocate for Dogs and Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your next order.

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Advocate for dogs prevents parasite infections, fleas, heartworm, gastrointestinal worms, mites and lice. Expiry date: 04/2025 Brand: Advocate What could be better than having a pet medication that is proven effective at preventing and eliminating li...
Advocate for Dogs & Cats | Free Shipping - PetBucket


Receive $5 off your first purchase of Advantix for Dogs and Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your next order.

Masun Dixsun profile picture
Advantix for dogs prevents ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, sand flies, lice and biting flies. Expiry date: 08/2024 Brand: Advantix Advantix 12 Pack for Small Dogs under 4 kg (8.8 lbs.) is another valuable weapon in any pet owner’s anti-parasitic arsenal. T...
Advantix for Dogs all weights - PetBucket

Bravecto, and Bravecto Plus

Receive $5 off your first purchase of Bravecto and Bravecto Plus Chews and Topical for Dogs and Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big disco...

Masun Dixsun profile picture
Bravecto chews for dogs 44-88 lbs (20-40 kg) kills fleas, prevents flea infestations, and kills ticks for 12 weeks. Expiry date: 07/2024 Brand: Bravecto Revolutionary, powerful tick and flea treatment from Merck. Bravecto chews for dogs 44-88 lbs (20...
Bravecto Chews & Topical for Dogs & Cats | Free Shipping - PetBucket
Masun Dixsun profile picture
A safe and long-lasting topical that is effective against fleas, ticks, heartworm, hookworm, roundworm and ear mites. Expiry date: 09/2025 Brand: Bravecto Plus Bravecto Plus for cats is the new upgraded version of Bravecto Topical for cats. Besides f...
Bravecto Plus For Cats - PetBucket

Broadline For Felines

Receive $5 off your first purchase of Broadline for Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your next order.

Masun Dixsun profile picture
Broadline for large cats 6 pack prevents fleas, ticks, lices, roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms and heartworms. Expiry date: 05/2024 Brand: Broadline Broadline spot-on solution for cats 5.5-16.5 lbs (2.5-7.5 kg) is a topical solution which controls bo...
Broadline for Cats | Free Shipping - PetBucket


Receive $5 off your first purchase of Droncit for Dogs and Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your next order.

Masun Dixsun profile picture
Droncit Spot-On for Cats is used for the treatment for tapeworms in cats. Administer 1 pipette per 2.5kg bodyweight. Expiry date: 12/2024 Brand: Droncit If cats roam and hunt, contact with, and consumption of, mice and subsequent re-infestation with ...
Droncit for Cats & Dogs | Free Shipping - PetBucket


Receive $5 off your first purchase of Drontal for Dogs and Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your next order.

Masun Dixsun profile picture
Drontal Tasty Bone Tablets for Dogs - 6 Pack treats roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms and whipworms in dogs. The tablets comes in tasty bone shapes for easier administration. Expiry date: 06/2025 Brand: Drontal Dosage 2-5kg body weight: 0.5 tablet >5-10kg body weight: 1 tablet >10-15kg body weight: 1.5 tablets >15-20kg body weight: 2 tablets For each additional 5 kg bodyweight, administer an additional half tablet. The tablets can be given directly to the dog or disguised in food. No starvation is needed before or after treatment.
Drontal for Cats & Dogs | Free Shipping - PetBucket


Receive $5 off your first purchase of Effipro for Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your next order.

Masun Dixsun profile picture
Effipro Spot-On for Cats - 4 pack treats and prevents cats from flea infestations for up to 5 weeks and tick infestations for 2 weeks. Expiry date: 09/2024 Brand: Effipro Effipro Spot-On treats flea (Ctenocephalides spp.) and tick (Dermacentor reticu...
Effipro for Cats | Free Shipping - PetBucket

Frontline Plus

Receive $5 off your first purchase of Frontline Plus for Dogs and Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your next order.

Masun Dixsun profile picture
Frontline Plus for small dogs prevents fleas and ticks. Expiry date: 01/2026 Brand: Frontline Plus Frontline Plus 6 Pack Small Dog is a 6 month supply of a powerfully improved formula designed for dogs under 10kg (22lbs.) with even more parasite kill...
Frontline Plus For Dogs & Cats | Free Shipping - PetBucket


Receive $5 off your first purchase of Heartgard for Dogs and Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your next order.

Masun Dixsun profile picture
Heartgard gives protection against deadly heartworm, it also protects from hookworm and roundworm. Expiry date: 09/2025 Brand: Heartgard Heartgard Chewables Plus Blue is a 12 pack of tasty chewables created to deworm your pint sized pooch. Any dog up...
Heartgard Plus For Dogs | Free Shipping - PetBucket


Receive $5 off your first purchase of Milbemax for Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your next order.

Masun Dixsun profile picture
Milbemax Wormer for dogs provides broad spectrum protection against internal parasites. Expiry date: 06/2024 Brand: Milbemax Milbemax Dog 5-25 kg (11-55 lbs.) Four Tablet Pack is not your everyday milquetoast pet medication. This all in one worm prev...
Milbemax for Cats & Dogs | Free Shipping - PetBucket

NexGard, NexGard Combo & NexGard Spectra

Receive $5 off your first purchase of NexGuard, NexGard Combo and NexGard Spectra for Dogs and Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discou...

Masun Dixsun profile picture
This is what our Pack uses.
Nexgard Spectra for Dogs
Masun Dixsun profile picture
Giving your dog their flea and tick treatment is now a real delight with revolutionary NexGard! Expiry date: 06/2024 Brand: Nexgard From the makers of Frontline is NexGard, a flea and tick killer that truly is one of a kind. Using a brand new ingredi...
NexGard Chewable for Dogs | Free Shipping - PetBucket
Masun Dixsun profile picture
Nexgard Combo is a spot-on solution that protects your cat from fleas, ticks, roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and ear mites. Expiry date: 09/2025 Brand: Nexgard Combo Nexgard Combo is a topical solution for cats. It treats and prevents: fleas ticks...
Nexgard Combo - PetBucket


Receive $5 off your first purchase of Profender for Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your next order.

Masun Dixsun profile picture
Profender Spot On for cats prevents intestinal worms and lungworm in cats. Treat with Profender every 3 months. Expiry date: 01/2025 Brand: Profender Spot On Profender Spot On for Large Cats has everything you expect and desire from a class act dewor...
Profender for Cats | Free Shipping - PetBucket


Receive $5 off your first purchase of Prinovox for Dogs and Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your next order.

Masun Dixsun profile picture
Prinovox for dogs treats fleas, lice, mites, heartworms, roundworms and lungworms in dogs and puppies. Brand: Prinovox Prinovox for Extra Large is a broad-spectrum spot-on parasiticide for dogs weighing over 55 lbs (25 kg). It treats and prevents, fl...
Prinovox - PetBucket

Revolution, Revolution Plus

Receive $5 off your first purchase of Revolution and Revolution Plus for Dogs and Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your ...

Masun Dixsun profile picture
Revolution Purple for dogs prevents heartworms, fleas and other harmful parasites. Expiry date: 02/2025 Brand: Revolution Revolution Purple 2.3 - 4.5kg (5.1 - 10 Lbs.) an extra small dog’s dream drug. It’s specially created for dogs weighing anywhere...
Revolution for Cats & Dogs | Free Shipping - PetBucket
Masun Dixsun profile picture
A safe monthly topical that is effective against fleas, ticks, heartworm, hookworm, roundworm, mites and lice. Brand: Revolution Plus Revolution Plus provides 6-in-1 protection for cats. Compared to Revolution for cats, Revolution Plus kills 3 types ...
Revolution Plus - PetBucket

Sentinel Spectrum

Receive $5 off your first purchase of Sentinel Spectrum for Dogs and Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your next order.

Masun Dixsun profile picture
Sentinel for dogs provides protection from fleas, heartworms and other parasites. Expiry date: 12/2025 Brand: Sentinel Spectrum Sentinel Spectrum brings you another incredible product to safeguard your dog from the numerous parasitic pests launching ...
Sentinel Spectrum for Dogs | Free Shipping - PetBucket


Receive $5 off your first purchase of Seresto for Dogs and Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your next order.

Masun Dixsun profile picture
Seresto Tick and flea collar protects your dog against ticks, fleas and lice for 8 months! Expiry date: 04/2027 Brand: Seresto The new Collar by Seresto will give you a long term way to protect your dog from biting parasites, Fleas and Ticks that can...
Seresto Flea Collar for Dogs & Cats | Free Shipping - PetBucket

Simparica, Simparica Trio

Receive $5 off your first purchase of Simparica and Simparica Trio for Dogs and Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your ne...

Masun Dixsun profile picture
Simparica Flea and Tick Chewables for Dogs 44.1-88 lbs (20-40 kg) are monthly chewable tablets for prevention and treatment of fleas and ticks in dogs over 6 months of age. Expiry date: 05/2024 Brand: Simparica Simparica is a unique and effective che...
Simparica Chewables for Dogs | Free Shipping - PetBucket
Masun Dixsun profile picture
A monthly chewable tablet that protects your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworms, roundworms and hookworms. Expiry date: 03/2025 Brand: Simparica Trio Simparica Trio flavored, monthly chewable tablets protect your best friend from fleas ticks heartworm...
Simparica Trio - PetBucket

Stronghold, Stronghold Plus

Receive $5 off your first purchase of Stronghold and Stronghold Plus for Dogs and Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your ...

Masun Dixsun profile picture
Stronghold Teal for dogs prevents heartworms, fleas and other harmful parasites. Expiry date: 12/2025 Brand: Stronghold Stronghold Extra Large Dog Teal 12 is a stout medication for dogs weighing anywhere between 20 and 40 kg (44-88 lbs.) Not only is ...
Stronghold for Cats & Dogs | Free Shipping - PetBucket
Masun Dixsun profile picture
This is the only treatment you need for your cat. It covers ticks, fleas, intestinal worms and heartworm. Expiry date: 03/2025 Brand: Stronghold Plus Great new product from Zoetis which gives you total protection. Each tube of Stronghold Plus protect...
Stronghold Plus for Cats | Free Shipping - PetBucket


Receive $5 off your first purchase of Valuheart for Dogs and Cats. Use our PROMO CODE PRF13226375. When you buy, make sure to sign up for their Referral Program. It's a great way to build up points and get big discounts off your next order.

Masun Dixsun profile picture
Valuheart is an awesome monthly heartworm preventative for dogs. This potent product comes with a 6 month supply of treatment for your puppy which adds up to half a year of total security for your family’s favorite canine. Some standout features of V...
Valuheart for Dogs | Free Shipping - PetBucket