I go through phases with skincare and have tried many different products. My go-to moisturiser is usually BullDog. It is a good brand and I like everything about it, from the smell to how it feels when applied I see the results every day with glowing...
I am very much into my aftershaves and have going-out scents and at-home scents. My fave is Joop and it always will be. It is an aftershave from my younger days but still my No1
I have always struggled growing facial hair, It has only been in the past few years that I have had stubble going on. But i still like to take care of it and am a big fan of Beard Shampoo. I also used to wet shave every other day, but now i use a bea...
Yes, grey hair is my insecurity, and it used to cost me a fortune buying hair dye. Here are the products I now use to reduce grey hair so i feel comfortable ha
Check out my list of hair products. I use these to keep my hair looking good…. well I hope it looks good anyway. I tend to alternate between hair spray and gel, but i have recently got into salt spray as well.