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Great Movies/Books You Can't Forget!

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"Discover the horror movies that inspired Tales Of The Unnatural—a list of unforgettable chills that shaped my book. Dare to explore?"
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"Step into the eerie and unexpected with Tales of the Unnatural—a collection of chilling stories that will leave you questioning reality!"
Tales Of the Unnatural
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I, Madman (1989) is a cult horror film that blends psychological thrills with supernatural terror. The story follows Virginia, a bookstore clerk and avid reader, who becomes obsessed with a macabre novel by an obscure author. As she delves deeper int...
I, Madman
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
John Carpenter's Body Bags (1993) is a horror anthology film directed by John Carpenter and Tobe Hooper. The movie features three chilling tales of terror, introduced by Carpenter himself as a ghoulish, wisecracking morgue attendant. The stories incl...
Body Bags
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Creepshow 2 (1987) is a horror anthology film based on stories by Stephen King, directed by Michael Gornick. A sequel to the original Creepshow, it features three chilling tales of terror: "Old Chief Wood'nhead," about a vengeful wooden statue coming...
Creepshow 2
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Night of the Creeps (1986) is a cult sci-fi horror-comedy directed by Fred Dekker. The film follows two college friends who accidentally unleash an alien parasite that turns people into zombie-like creatures. As the infestation spreads, a grizzled de...
Night of the Creeps
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The 1986 adaptation of The Phantom of the Opera is a critically acclaimed musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Set in the Paris Opera House, it follows the tragic story of the Phantom, a disfigured musical genius living beneath the opera, who becomes obse...
The Phantom Of The Opera (1986 London Cast)
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
The Lost Boys (1987) is a cult classic horror-comedy directed by Joel Schumacher. The film follows two brothers, Michael and Sam, who move to a coastal California town plagued by mysterious disappearances. Michael falls in with a gang of stylish, thr...
The Lost Boys
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Brainscan (1994) is a sci-fi horror film that explores the dangers of immersive technology. The story follows Michael, a teenager obsessed with horror and video games, who discovers an interactive game called Brainscan. The game blurs the line betwee...
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
The Return of the Living Dead (1985) is a cult horror-comedy that redefined the zombie genre. When two employees at a medical supply warehouse accidentally release a toxic gas, it reanimates the dead, sparking a chaotic night of terror. As the undead...
The Return of the Living Dead
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Queen of the Damned (2002) is a dark fantasy horror film based on Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles. The story follows Lestat, a charismatic vampire who awakens from decades of slumber and becomes a rock star, using his music to reveal the existence...
Queen of the Damned
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Phantasm (1979) is a cult classic horror film written and directed by Don Coscarelli. The story follows a young boy, Mike, who discovers strange happenings at the local mortuary, including a sinister undertaker known as the Tall Man. With his brother...
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Interview with the Vampire (1994) is a gothic horror drama based on Anne Rice's acclaimed novel. The film chronicles the life of Louis, a centuries-old vampire, as he recounts his dark and tragic journey to a modern-day journalist. Turned into a vamp...
Interview with the Vampire
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Tales of the Darkside (1983–1988) is a horror anthology TV series created by George A. Romero. Each episode tells a standalone story, blending elements of horror, suspense, and the supernatural. From haunted objects and vengeful spirits to twisted mo...
Tales from the Darkside
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Tales of the Darkside: The Movie (1990) is a horror anthology film inspired by the classic TV series. The movie features three chilling stories: "Lot 249," about a reanimated mummy seeking revenge; "Cat from Hell," where a wealthy man hires a hitman ...
Tales From The Darkside: The Movie
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983) is a sci-fi horror anthology film based on Rod Serling's iconic TV series The Twilight Zone. Directed by four visionary filmmakers—John Landis, Steven Spielberg, Joe Dante, and George Miller—the film features four chil...
Twilight Zone: The Movie
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Silver Bullet (1985) is a horror film based on Stephen King's novella Cycle of the Werewolf. Set in a small, quiet town, the story follows Marty, a young boy in a wheelchair, and his sister Jane as they uncover the terrifying truth behind a series of...
Stephen King's Silver Bullet (1985) : Movies & TV
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Legend (1985) is a fantasy adventure film directed by Ridley Scott. The story follows Jack, a young hero, who must save his true love, Princess Lili, and the world from eternal darkness. When the evil Lord of Darkness captures Lili and seeks to destr...
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Gremlins (1984) is a dark comedy horror film directed by Joe Dante. The story begins when a young man, Billy, receives a cute and mysterious creature called a Mogwai as a Christmas gift. However, when the creature's care instructions are ignored, it ...
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992), directed by Francis Ford Coppola, is a lavish and gothic adaptation of the classic novel. The film tells the story of Count Dracula, a centuries-old vampire who travels to England in pursuit of Mina, a woman who bears a ...
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Vamp (1986) is a horror-comedy that follows two college friends, Keith and AJ, who visit a seedy nightclub to hire a stripper for a fraternity party. Unbeknownst to them, the club is run by vampires, including the seductive and deadly queen, Katrina....
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Night of the Demons (1988) is a cult classic horror film about a group of teenagers who throw a Halloween party in an abandoned funeral home. Their night of fun turns into terror when they unknowingly awaken an ancient demonic force that begins to po...
Night of the Demons
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Highway to Hell (1991) is a supernatural action-comedy that follows Charlie, a young man who ventures into Hell to rescue his kidnapped fiancée, Rachel, from the clutches of a demonic cop known as the Hell Cop. As Charlie travels through a bizarre an...
Highway to Hell
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Needful Things (1993) is a psychological horror film based on Stephen King's novel. The story takes place in the small town of Castle Rock, where a mysterious shopkeeper named Leland Gaunt opens a store called "Needful Things." Gaunt seems to have th...
Needful Things
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Jeepers Creepers (2001) is a supernatural horror film that follows siblings Trish and Darry as they embark on a road trip through rural America. Their journey takes a terrifying turn when they encounter a mysterious, menacing figure known as the Cree...
Jeepers Creepers
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Tales from the Crypt (1989–1996) is a horror anthology TV series based on the classic EC Comics. Hosted by the wisecracking, ghoulish Crypt Keeper, each episode tells a macabre and twisted story filled with dark humor, shocking twists, and moral less...
Tales From The Crypt
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Tremors (1990) is a cult classic horror-comedy that follows two handymen, Val and Earl, in the small desert town of Perfection, Nevada. Their quiet lives are turned upside down when they discover giant, underground worm-like creatures called Graboids...
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Critters (1986) is a sci-fi horror-comedy that follows a small Midwestern town under siege by a group of ravenous, fur-covered alien creatures called Crites. After escaping from an alien prison, the Crites crash-land on Earth and begin wreaking havoc...
Critters - Rotten Tomatoes
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
The Blob (1988) is a sci-fi horror remake of the 1958 classic. The film follows a small town that becomes the target of a deadly, growing mass of alien slime that consumes everything in its path. As the Blob wreaks havoc, a group of unlikely heroes, ...
The Blob
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Aliens (1986), directed by James Cameron, is a sci-fi action-horror masterpiece and the sequel to Alien (1979). The film follows Ellen Ripley as she joins a team of colonial marines on a mission to investigate a remote colony that has gone silent. Th...
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Pet Sematary (1989), based on Stephen King's novel, is a chilling horror film about grief and the consequences of tampering with death. The story follows the Creed family, who move to a rural home near a mysterious burial ground with the power to res...
Pet Sematary
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Sleepwalkers (1992) is a supernatural horror film directed by Mick Garris and based on an original screenplay by Stephen King. The story follows Charles and Mary Brady, a mother-and-son duo who are shape-shifting, feline-like creatures known as Sleep...
Tianna Montgomery profile picture
Cat's Eye (1985) is an anthology horror film directed by Lewis Teague and based on stories by Stephen King. The movie weaves together three suspenseful tales connected by a mysterious stray cat. In the first story, a man joins a sinister organization...
Cat's Eye