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sewing tutorials for beginners
17 items
Natalia Trevino Amaro
here's a list of sewing tutorials for beginners including the basics of sewing, fabrics, different techniques, etc.
an intro to fashion design / sewing!!!
Fashion Design 101 | the basics of sewing
everything you need to know about fabrics as a beginner sewist!
Fashion Design 101 | all about fabrics
probably one of the easiest beginner sewing tutorials - a scrunchie!
Fashion Design 101 | how to sew a scrunchie!
how to sew a dart for more structured sewing projects
Fashion Design 101 | how to sew a dart!
how to sew an invisible zipper & how to match both sides if there's a pattern / seam
Fashion Design 101 | how to put in an invisible zipper!
facings can be used as an alternative to lining / as a way to finish off the edge of a garment
Fashion Design 101 | how to finish necklines/armholes with facings!
here's how you can replicate pre-existing clothes in your closet (works best for knit garments)
Fashion Design 101 | how to trace your clothes to make patterns!
shirring is such a fun technique and adds stretch & texture to a garment
Fashion Design 101 | How to Shirr Fabric!
I'm a big fan of ruffles so here's two ways to achieve them!
Fashion Design 101 | How to Make Ruffles Two Different Ways!
once you learn how to make your basic bodice block, here's a good reference on how to manipulate the darts to create new designs!
Fashion Design 101 | Dart Manipulation!
here's how to make a torso block to your measurements so you can start to pattern out your own clothes!
Fashion Design 101 | How to Pattern a Torso to Your Measurements!
here's how to make a skirt block to your own measurements so you can make yourself skirts!
Fashion Design 101 | How to Pattern a Skirt to Your Measurements!
here's how to make a pant block so you can pattern pants to your own measurements!
Fashion Design 101 | How to Pattern Pants to Your Measurements!
here's how to sew using a twin needle for hemming knit fabrics!
how to hem knit fabrics using a twin needle! | Fashion Design 101
here's how to make a pillow using fabric scraps!
how to sew a decorative pillow + use your fabric scraps! | Fashion Design 101
here's how to gather fabric with and without a gathering foot!
how to gather fabric (with a gathering foot & without) | Fashion Design 101
here's how to sew a french seam!
how to sew a french seam | Fashion Design 101