I put together a list of my ultimate comfort shows and movies—those that I rewatch over and over because they just never get old. These are the ones that always make me feel cozy and at home, no matter how many times I see them. They’ve stood the tes...
"Desperate Housewives" is a drama series about a group of women living in a seemingly perfect suburban neighborhood. The show follows their lives as they deal with personal struggles, secrets, and drama. There's a lot of intrigue, relationships, and ...
Desperate Housewives
"Grey's Anatomy" is a medical drama series that follows the lives of doctors at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. The show centers on Meredith Grey and her colleagues as they navigate their careers and personal lives. It’s packed with intense medical cas...
Grey's Anatomy
"Last Man Standing" is a sitcom about Mike Baxter, a conservative and outdoorsy family man who runs a successful sporting goods store. He navigates life at home with his wife and three daughters, balancing his traditional views with the modern challe...
Last Man Standing
"Two and a Half Men" is a sitcom about Charlie Harper, a carefree bachelor with a successful career writing jingles, whose life changes when his uptight brother, Alan, and Alan's young son, Jake, move in with him. The show revolves around their hilar...
Two and a Half Men
"Yellowstone" is a drama series about the Dutton family, who run the largest contiguous cattle ranch in the U.S. in Montana. The show mixes family drama with political and business intrigue as the Duttons deal with threats from developers, Native Ame...
"1923" is a prequel to "Yellowstone" and focuses on the Dutton family during the early 20th century. Set in the 1920s, it explores the family's struggles to maintain their Montana ranch amid economic challenges, Prohibition, and the changing social l...
Watch 1923 (Yellowstone Prequel) - Try for Free - Paramount Plus
"1883" is another prequel to "Yellowstone" that takes place in the late 19th century. It follows the Dutton family’s journey from Texas to Montana as they seek to establish their ranch. The series focuses on their difficult travels through the Americ...
"Outlander" is a historical drama based on the novels by Diana Gabaldon. It follows Claire Randall, a World War II nurse who, while on a second honeymoon in Scotland, is mysteriously transported back to the 18th century. There, she becomes entangled ...
"Breaking Bad" is a crime drama about Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher who turns to cooking and selling methamphetamine after being diagnosed with terminal cancer. To secure his family's financial future, Walter partners with a former st...
Breaking Bad
"My Name Is Earl" is a comedy about Earl Hickey, a small-time crook who wins the lottery but loses it after being hit by a car. Realizing his bad karma is the reason for his misfortune, Earl decides to make amends for all the wrongs he’s done in his ...
My Name Is Earl
"Roseanne" is a sitcom that revolves around the Conner family, led by Roseanne and Dan Conner, who navigate the ups and downs of working-class life in a small town. The show portrays their struggles with financial issues, raising kids, and dealing wi...
"Practical Magic" is a film about two sisters, Gillian and Sally Owens, who come from a family of witches. After their parents die, the sisters are raised by their aunts and grow up with a mix of magic and ordinary life. They struggle with the family...
Practical Magic
"Halloweentown" is a family fantasy film about Marnie Piper, a young girl who discovers that she is a witch on her 13th birthday. She learns that her estranged grandmother, Aggie Cromwell, lives in a magical place called Halloweentown, where supernat...
"What Happens in Vegas" is a comedy film about two strangers, Jack and Joy, who meet in Las Vegas and end up getting married after a wild night of partying. When they wake up, they discover they’ve won a $3 million jackpot in a slot machine, but thei...
What Happens in Vegas
"Interstellar" is a sci-fi epic directed by Christopher Nolan that follows Cooper, a former NASA pilot, who joins a team of astronauts on a mission through a wormhole near Saturn. The goal is to find a new habitable planet for humanity, as Earth face...
House always good
This one is SOOOO good. Lots of mystical stuff
Lost Girl
Ugh major comfort show!!! It's so good
The Ranch
Must watch every year
The Holiday
It is so funny!!
Don't Trust the B---- In Apartment 23
makes you wanna BE BAD!
Good Girls
as im going to rewatch this, gotta add to my list!
Locke & Key
This is just like low key to fall asleep idk I like it!