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My Mental Health Essentials

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My mental health is something I've been trying to focus on more. These are some of my favorites for relief, just allowing myself to be down, or picking myself back up.
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#commissionearned I love these hoodies, the weighted blanket feeling but wearable. It's always comforting
Hoodies - Comfrt
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If you're into essential oils, this one is a go-to for me. #ad
UpNature Calm Essential Oil Roll On - 100% Natural
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Another of my go-to essential oils to help me relax. #ad
UpNature Calm Essential Oil Roll On - 100% Natural
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I got these a a reminder for my journey. #ad With there being 52 I use one a week and try to practice it all week. Some have helped, some haven't yet, but it's a journey.
Allura & Arcia 52 Stress Less Cards
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Journaling is great for getting my feelings out when I don't have anyone to talk to.
Let That Sh*t Go: A Journal for Happiness
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Eating better can help they say, so learning to incorporate new foods for a healthier me.
Eat to Beat Depression & Anxiety: 6-Week Guide
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There's nothing like a hot shower to wash some stress away, these shower bombs add more calming affects. They're amazing and smells so good, they definitely work.
DeckTheHalls 18 Pack Shower Steamers
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Puzzles help me, something to take my mind off of whatever. This is one I've been working on that helps remind me to stay positive while I'm going through it.
Puzzle of Positivity 1000 Piece Jigsaw
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This helps me knowing that it helps others. I've had so many people just thank me for wearing it so they could see the words.
You Are Enough Hoodie for Women
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Sticking these up randomly everywhere I go. You never know when people need to see it, and spreading awareness.
100Pcs Mental Health Awareness Vinyl Stickers
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We got this for our daughter for Christmas and I love it. It helps with breathing exercises to follow along and it gives you something else to concentrate on, even for just a bit. It's nice and there are other designs.
Mindsight 'Breathing Buddha' Meditation Tool
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Not just this book, but any book.  Reading can help take my mind off of things but I also like books that help me look at things in different perspectives or new things to try.
Stop Overthinking: 23 Techniques for Calm
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Its been a passion of mine to promote mental health ever since COVID. These are a fun little giveaway kids love.
42pcs Mental Health Awareness Silicone Bracelets
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One of my favorite shirts, spreading awareness and helping people without speaking.
Warrior Mental Health Awareness T-Shirt
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Who doesn't love and need a good stress ball.
30 Pcs Mental Health Awareness Stress Balls
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Have you tried Ryze?? I don't need my coffee anymore and I have way more energy and less fatigue throughout the day. I've only been using this a couple weeks but I'm really seeing a difference just in my coffee intake alone. Give it a try, my moods a...