In 2025 we have now gained so much knowledge about our bodies and how to live healthier and cleaner lives. These are some things that I feel are integrated easily into any current lifestyle, and possitive effects start emediatly with minimal physical...
I've dabbled in making my own bread, but I'm told sour dough is a lifestyle... so here we go!!
Sourdough Kit - Etsy
In the summer I'm literally bare foot in the yard allllll the time! I love how I feel when I'm constantly grounding like this and notice a big difference in the winter when I'm not consistently connecting to the ground like that. I love that groundin...
Grounding Shoes Women - eBay
Studies on grounding all show that this is by far the quickest and easiest way to implement a self care routine that has significant health benefits. Just get in touch with Mother Earth!! You can literally do it in your sleep 😄
Grounding Sheets - Etsy
I keep seeing impressive things about this gum and I can't wait to try it for myself! Investing in healthcare products that are all natural is a win for me no mater what the outcome. I always feel good about buying myself things that may improve or m...
Underbrush Remineralizing Chewing Gum With Nano ... - eBay
I absolutely love hemp fiber products! It is the ultimate sustainable resource and it's amazingly durable! I've also decided everything with four kids is easier if you just wear a Fanny pack! These are some Organic hemp Fanny pack designs I've found ...
Organic Hemp Waist Bag. Unisex. Fanny Bag/Waist Bag/Money Bag ...
I love pampering myself and feel like money spent on self care is always a well put investment! Products like these really add an extra level to my mommy time!
Facial Massagers for sale | eBay
I've been following this guy on TikTok that talks a lot about the vibrational effects that the vessels we drink from have on what we put in them. Now my drink and glassware collection is growing with much excitement! These remind me of my grandma and...
Radium Glass - Etsy
Thankfully today we are sharing knowledge about frequencies! The Schumann resonating frequency has amazing potential to help our bodies. We can now gain access to this frequency from many ways, including specials made devices and high quality jewelry...
Schumann Resonance - Etsy
Apparently your brain will not go fully into sleep mode if there is any light! Wearing a sleep mask that fully blocks out any light has been a game changer for me! Also since I am up a lot at night with my kiddos and have to nap in the day when it's ...
Sleep Mask - Etsy
I'm loving all the quality black seed oil that is available at a reasonable price! This is obtainable and sustainable for me to add to my daily routine and I can say that the noticeable immediate improvement in my overall health since beginning this ...
Black Seed Oil in Herbal Supplements -
I love to pamper myself! It just feels good to take care of my body, and if I can do it as easily as just adding some things to my bath....Yes, I'm doing it!! Then I learned that this specific way of pampering one's self can actually detox your body ...
Detox Bath Kits - Etsy
I have so many notes and plans to make, ideas and doodles that these things are filling up fast! Love having a daily planner on paper to help keep my head organized and not o full!!!
2025 Daily and Weekly Planners | Day Designer
These are so helpful when it comes to leaving reminders around the house or just funny messages to add some fun surprises to everyone's day!
Sticky Note Pads - Etsy
I now drink coconut water as often as I can! I'm feeling so much more hydrated! High in magnesium and all the good electrolytes! Plus my skin is clearing up!!!! Maybe coincidentally, but This blue monkey brand is delicious and does it all the right w...
Blue Monkey Beverages in Food -
I guess 38 is the age I try liquid collagen! They have some great deals on right now and soooo many convincing reviews!!!! I've been looking for a daily drink to improve my health and overall wellbeing routine... this literally sounds like it was mad...
SpoiledChild™ | Intelligent skin & hair products that refuse to take ...