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Paul L
Loves gadgets, tools, and products that make my life easier, happier, simpler, and just plain fun.
Paul L's Lists
Stuff for Sis
1 item
Recommended Stuff for my sis
Health, Sports, and Exercise
11 items
Things to help keep you fit, healthy, and happy.
Lawn and Garden
10 items
Tools, Gadgets, and Things to help you maintain and beautify your home.
Handy Gadgets
8 items
Cool tools to make your life easier and more interesting
Better Living
32 items
Things that make my life easier, better, more comfortable, and put a smile on my face. This is my list of of items that make a difference around the house and improve the quality of my life. I hope that they make your life better as well.
For the Little Ones
4 items
Products and items to make your life easier when taking care of the most important people in your life.
Fun and Games
6 items
Things that bring laughter to your life.