Loving yourself doesn’t always come easy it takes work but in the end it’s so worth it.
Self Love
Self Love
All thing self love
Woman Empowerment - Emotional Investment - Success on Instagram: "This speech never gets old 📌 . Share this with others because insecurity costs us too much ♻️ It’s time to flip the narrative 🔥 . Want to join a community of like-minded empowered women? ✨👑 >> Follow @femalepowercharge . Credit @amyschumer Movie: I Feel Pretty 2018 #womeninsecurity #flipthenarrative #challengebeautystandards #authenticityisbeautiful #morethanlooks #womenempowerment #femalepowercharge"
How to make changes
You have to get Uncomfortable to make changes #change #changes #comfort #uncomfortable #momtok #momsover30 #makingachange #fyp #fy @Perfectlyimperfect_86 🇨🇦 @Perfectlyimperfect_86 🇨🇦 @Perfectlyimperfect_86 🇨🇦
Normalize normal bodies
MJ on Instagram: "Let’s Normalize Normal Bodies, Every-Body is Different! Let’s start to lift each other up! Everyone is unique and different. Beauty isn’t only skin deep and it sure isn’t one size fits all. I’m learning to be kind to myself. What I’ve learned so far is that learning to love yourself no matter your size takes time but man is it worth it. •#mjdavidson #letsnormalizenormalbodies #papayacommunity #selflove #selfcare •"
Mommy Tummy.
MJ on Instagram: "Dear Mommy Tummy, I don’t always appreciate you. I’m sorry! You were the shell that held my babies. Thank You! •#mjdavidson #selflove #papayacommunity #loveyourself #mommytummy #mjdavidson •"
Level up….No just be yourself.
MJ on Instagram: "Level up... to what!? I’ve been seeing others dancing to this song and they are usually fitness models wit rocking bods. Well I admire their dedication, I love food and I also don’t have time to work out for hours everyday. My body may not be perfect but it’s healthy and I don’t think I need to level up to anything. Learning to love myself one dance at a time. #mjdavidson #selflove #bodypositivity #papayacommunity #loveyourself #beyourbestself #mama"
Sit Tummy.
MJ on Instagram: "When I sit my tummy sticks out a bit, because it’s not completely flat or toned. In the past this would disgust me and I would put myself down leading me into an anxiety relapse and I would lose weight in no time at all. This was not healthy mentally or physically. I have decided that loving myself is important. Being healthy is more important then being skinny. •#mjdavidson #selfcare #selflove #papayacommunity"
Your are worthy no matter what
MJ on Instagram: "Your Weight Is Not Your Worth! I haven’t weighed myself in over two years. The actual number doesn’t matter. I’m worth so much more then a silly number on a scale. I’m a mama of two. I’m a women that’s overcame an eating disorder and anxiety and depression. I’m creative I’m fun and funny. I’m loveable and lovely. I’m worthy of self love and that means taking care of myself mind body and soul. My weight is not my worth, and your weight is not your worth. •#mjdavidson #worthy #selflove #papayacommunity #selfcare •"
Imperfection is beautiful
MJ on Instagram: "imperfection is scary but there’s something beautiful about letting your true flaws shine. Be you be raw be real. One of my New Year Resolutions to stop caring what other think and continue my self love journey. What are your Resolutions? •#mjdavidson #papayacommunity #selflove #selfcare #love •"
This picture was so empowering.
MJ on Instagram: "Loving Yourself is the greatest resolution.❤️💕 2020 has been a difficult one for many, but I will remember it as one of the best years in mine. It’s the year I had my second beautiful daughter. It’s also the year I decided to embrace my body and start to love myself fully and completely. What are some good things that happens for you in 2020? •#mjdavidson #papayacommunity #bodypositivity #selflove #loveyou #loveyourself #rawbeautytalks #rawbeauty •"
You are worthy no matter your size.
MJ on Instagram: "Your weight may fluctuate your worth will not! Staring 2021 on a positive note reminding myself and everyone else that no matter your size you are worthy. Happy New Year’s Day everyone! •#mjdavidson #papayacommunity #selflove #loveyourself #2021love #loveyourselfgirlornobodywill #justbeingme #rawbeautytalks •"
Great Resolution!
MJ on Instagram: "This year I’m choosing love. Love for myself. This is something that I have been working on for a very long time, and I have finally started to love and accept myself no matter what size I am. This is so freeing and something I never thought would be possible. What is something you are doing just for you this year? •#mjdavidson #selflove #mama #mamaoftwodaughters #ichooselove #papayacommunity •"
Self love is a life long journey.
MJ on Instagram: "April 2013 vs January 2 2021 The girl on the left is going through an anxiety relapse and just dropped a huge amount of weight in a very short time. I was struggling but enjoyed once again all the attention I got for smallness. Skinny is what I knew skinny felt good ( even when it didn’t ) I was very insecure I was always looking for approval from others. The only approval I really needed was from myself but I wasn’t ready I would not be ready for many years. The girl on the right has started the long journey to self love and is succeeding. I am learning to be more secure no matter my size. I am learning that not everyone will like me and that’s ok because I like me. I am learning that skinny doesn’t equal your worth or your health. I am learning to not only judge myself less but to stop judging other people as well. I am learning, I still have lots to learn but I’m willing to do the work to get there. I’m so happy to be the women I am today choosing to love myself has been so freeing. •#mjdavidson #papayacommunity #selflove #selflovejourney #loveyourself •="
This one really gives me the feels.
MJ on Instagram: "And I said to my body, softly, “I want to be your friend.” It took a long breath and replied, “I have been waiting my whole life for this.” -Nayyirah Waheed This picture and the words really show me how far I have come. I’m ready now! To love myself. To accept who I am and know that I’m enough. •#mjdavidson #papayacommunity #selflove #selfcare #beme #rawbeautytalks •"
Self love takes work but it’s worth the journey
MJ on Instagram: "Mermaid Thighs, because they love each other. When I was younger all I wanted was a thigh gap. I like many women had unrealistic expectations for myself. My thighs touch when I’m sitting and when I’m standing. I would rather be a beautiful mermaid then a starving exhausted stick of a person. So if your thighs touch like mine you’re probably a mermaid too. 💕🧞♀️ •#mjdavidson #papayacommunity #selflove #mama #girlmama #mermaidlegs #mermaidthighs #mermaidthights #rawbeautytalks •"
Thankful for all my past has taught me.
MJ on Instagram: "Thank Your Past For Choosing To Keep Going Instead Of Giving Up! I’m Thankful everyday that I kept going and now my life isn’t perfect but it’s got some amazing things. Perfection is boring and life is all about living and learning each and everyday. •#mjdavidson #mama #momlife #papayacommunity #selflove #selflovejourney #rawbeautytalks •"
It’s important to do self care.
MJ on Instagram: "Taking care you of yourself Doesn’t mean me first, It means me too! Self care is so important! Now more then ever. Me time is very limited these days so I’m making the best of it.💕 On a side note my @glamglow @glamglowcanada Supermud Clearing Treatment was amazing! •#mjdavidson #selfcare #papayacommunity #loveyourself #mama #alonetime #mamatime #mamatimeout #stressedout #stressed #takingcareofme #takingcareofmyself #mamasareimportant #postpartum #selflovejourney #bodiesofrealwomen #bodypositivemovement #rawbeautytalks •"
No diet culture is not for me loving the skin I’m in is a daily goal
MJ on Instagram: "This spoke to me in so many ways. This to me means I’m living for health, body mind and soul. Healthy eating with exercise and junk food when I feel like it. As a recovered anorexic it’s important I don’t diet. Saying F you to diets and ideals of what a women needs to look like to be beautiful. •#mjdavidson #bodypositivity #mentalhealthmatters #selflove #papayacommunity #beautifulme #curvywoman #loveyourself #rawbeautytalks •"
Stretch marks and lines are beautiful
MJ on Instagram: "Baby you’re poetry just read between the lines. My thighs are full of veins, stretch marks and flaws. Im learning that even the things we dislike the most can be beautiful. •#mjdavidson #rawbodytalks #beauty #papayacommunity #selflove #selfcare #mama #beautiful #raw_canada #raw •"
Loving myself from the inside out.
MJ on Instagram: "Reasons I love myself that’s have nothing to do with my body. I got inspired by @lorilabee 1. I’m passionate 2. I’m determined 3. I’m the only me that will ever be 5. I’m adventurous 6. I’m a very involved and hands on mama 7. I’m a good wife and partner 8. I’m a great listener 9. I’m a good loyal friend 10. I’m friendly and generally optimistic. What are some things that you love about you!? •#mjdavidson #selflove #papayacommunity #rawbeautytalks #raw #raw_canada •"
It’s not selfish to love yourself!
MJ on Instagram: "Self Love Isn’t Selfish! You wouldn’t call someone else selfish for loving their child, husband, parent or dog. Loving yourself is saying I’m worthy I deserve to be loved totally and fully. •#mjdavidson #selflove #raw #rawbeautytalks #bodycon #papayacommunity #loveyourself #bodypositivity #bodypositive •"
All joking aside I love this!
MJ on Instagram: "They say you are what you eat.... Does that mean I’m healthy with a side of junk in the trunk? Number One:who are they? Number Two: why is society so focused on skinny? Number Three: take control back you can be whatever you want to be. Learning to love your amazing self is so worth it. •#mjdavidson #youarewhatyoueat #raw #raw_canada #papayacommunity #bodycon #mama #selfcare #selflove #selflovejourney •"
Makeup is fun but it’s not what makes our souls beautiful
MJ on Instagram: "Normalize teaching our daughters that they don’t need makeup in order to be beautiful! Let’s teach our daughters, nieces, granddaughters that makeup doesn’t make a person beautiful. Beauty is so much more beauty comes from within. •#mjdavidson #papayacommunity #hannahsophiadavidson #mygirlsaremyworld🌍 #mygirlsaremyworld🌍💖 #selflovejourney #rawbeautytalks #raw #raw_canada #bodypositivity #bodcon #bodycon #girlmama🎀 #girlmamalife •"
I am enough! Enough said😍💗💕
MJ on Instagram: "Yesterday I was feeling a bit down. Feeling like I wasn’t the best mama Or best wife... I’m losing patience with Hannie more often and feel like I just need some me time.( I have a three year old and a baby...) I started to pick myself apart an old habit that I’ve stopped doing for the most part. Then I took a deep breath and said three simple words I AM Enough! I don’t have to be a perfect mom or wife ( no one is perfect.) I am who I am and I am beautiful my stretch marks,my wrinkles , my thighs my tummy that isn’t flat anymore all of it.💕 •#mjdavidson #papayacommunity #raw #raw_canada #rawbeautytalks #selflove #selfcare #selflovejourney #myselflovesupply #bodypositivity #bodypositive #bodypositivitywarrior #bodycon •"
It’s important to take care of your mind as well as your body.
MJ on Instagram: "Taking care of your Body and Mind is so very Important! Exercise, Meditation and positive self talk all help with body and mind self care. My self love journey is on going and it takes work each and everyday. The last couple of weeks have been a bit challenging I’ve really been working on grounding myself and getting back to a resilient state of mind. #mjdavidson #myselflovesupply #selflovejourney🌷 #selfloveisthebestlove #selflove #raw_canada #rawbeautytalks #papayacommunity"
Don’t let your mind bully your soul.
MJ on Instagram: "Soul searching and positive thoughts. #mjdavidson #loveyourself #beauty #soulsearching #selflove #papayacommunity"