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Therapeutic Crafts for Seasonal Defective Disorder

Moai emoji 19 items
Indoor activities for the restless heart. Northern winters are hard ya'll. Here's how I get though it.

Rock Painting

Painting rocks is a craft-abulous group activity for all ages. I start by picking an Angel Card then write the word or just allow it to inspire my design. When I'm finished painting, I spray it with acrylic sealer. They're cute in house plants to add...

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Be sure to face them down and close your eyes. Put your hand over the deck and FEEL out where to stop. Pick that card!
Angel Cards - Original
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Be sure to get UNPOLISHED
2in Natural River Rocks
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Remember to shake them really well before use!
Acrylic Paint Pens - Pastel Colors
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Push the tip down to get the paint flowing :)
Acrylic Paint Pens - Classic Colors
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Seal those babies so they don't chip
Acrylic Sealer
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Bring them to life with googly eyes!
Googly Eyes
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For group painting I toss one of these over my dining table so it worry free painting for me
Clear Plastic Round Table Cover
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HACK: Spread markers on a rotating tray for easy sharing accessibility
Lazy Susan Turntable for Table

Coloring Books

Stay inside the lines or don't! You're the boss of you! 

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Business in front, party in the back
Magical Mullets Coloring Book
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If you can't love yourself? How the hell are you going to love someone else?! Can I get an AMEN!
The Official Trixie and Katya Coloring Book
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Coloring and other activities
Art Odyssey: A Guided Creative Journal Of Imagination And Expression
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Markers are fun but I love using pencils because of blending
FaberCastell Classic Color Pencil Sets

Happy Painting

If you don't already know Bob Ross then do yourself a favor and YouTube him asap.  Try painting along w/ him or simply watch the meditation that is the MAN.  

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Bob's actual brushes and paint supplies if you're curious
Bob Ross Inc.
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Bob uses oil but acrylic is the way to go if we're not Bob haha
Essential Paint Value Set by Craft Smart
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The usual suspects
Fundamentals Brush Set
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I suggest starting small
5 Pack 9" x 12" Canvas

Paint By Number

Turn your brain off but still get the mind scratching 

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This makes a great gift too
Paint Anywhere Adult Paint Kit

Puzzle It Out

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Cheerful & stylish
Lighten Up Puzzle
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SOURCE: any puzzle you can think of
New York Puzzle Company