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A City Girl's Guide To Sleeping Soundly (Winter Addition)

Sleeping Face emoji 18 items
With a decades worth of NYC nights slept, these are my most reliable sleep soothers for city dwellers.
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This is my #1, all time favorite winter home assessory.
Furry Hot Water Bottle
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Excellent alternative to a traditional weighted blanket.
Faux Ruched Fur Throw Blanket
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If you're not switching to flannel bedding in the winter you don't know what you're missing!
Flannel Sheet Set
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An absolute essential for city babes. Move it to whereever sound masking is desired. Cute!
Portable White Noise Machine
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Is there never ending construction right outside your window or is that just your partner snoring? These genius sleep buds block out 99% of that sound!!! I'm a better person (well slept) because of these!
Ozlo Sleepbuds
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Familiarize yourself w/ the “Wicked” line from LLBean!
Wicked Cozy Light Blanket
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My newest obsession for the nose blowing season. These pleather covers make your sterile tissue box look inviting and chic!
PU Leather Tissue Box Cover
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Don't even think about going into winter without a humidifier! This one is actually easy to clean!
Ultrasonic Smart Humidifier
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Drastically reduces the yuk in your humidifier. You're welcome! :)
Demineralization Filters
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The cloud cotton stuffing feels like a stuffie is sleeping all over you! Like a great big plush hug!
Organic Cloud Cotton Quilt
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If you like squishy that still provides support.
Standard Bed Pillow
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Great for hot sleepers. Love the retro design, two settings, packs a big punch.
Personal Sized Fan
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Prop up an Ipad or laptop in bed (or anywhere really) and ofc  great for meditation.
Zafu Cushion
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A noticeable difference of air quality in my bedroom.
Smart Air Purifier
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Free silk scruchie! What else do you need to know!? :) Great for curly hair.
Natural Silk Pillowcase
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Look no further! These are your sheets! Soft, cooling, classy.
Brushed Cotton Pillowcase Set
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Buttery soft, calming colors
Brushed Cotton Fitted Sheet
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Luxurious and priced like it but 100% worth it.
Brushed Cotton Top Sheet