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This list consists of books for entrepreneurs, those who want to become entrepreneurs, and those interested in ways to make money and improve your life in a multitutde of ways.

My Books

This section is my self-published book. For those who are interested in working from home or starting a home-based business and entrepreneurial interests.

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This is the Standard Print Edition 6" x 9" Paperback Book. It's filled with tons of ways to work from home or start your own business. Whether you want to do something part-time, full-time or as a side hustle.
Income Booster: 100+ Home Businesses
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This is the Large Print Edition 8.5x11 Paperback Book. Filled with a lot of methods to work from home or start your own business. Great for those who are vision-impaired.
Income Booster: 100+ Home Businesses

My Mentors Books

This section consists of books authored by my friend & mentor Pat Flynn. These books are for helping you figure out what you want to do and ways to help you get started in entrepreneurship.

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This book will help you learn how to turn your audience into Superfans.
Superfans: Stand Out, Grow Tribe, Build Business
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This book will help you figure out if what you want to do will work or be a flop. Learn ways to figure out your game plan and test if things will work out how you want them to.
Will It Fly?: Test Your Next Business Idea
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This book will help learn to let go of the things you have no control over and turn that negative to a positive.
Let Go: Transform Panic into Profits and Purpose


Various books I recommend for those interested in entrepreneurship, & small business

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Chris is another of my mentors and is also a friend of my other mentor Pat Flynn. Chris can help you understand why a personal brand can help you as an entrepreneur where you are the primary focus such as a mentor or content creator.
Rise of the Youpreneur: Guide to Becoming a Leader
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I use a modified method of Profit First for my business. It is a great method for business accounting. Build your business with profit at the forefront!
Profit First: Transform Your Business
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A great book that covers some business planning and development concepts for entrepreneurs.
The Pumpkin Plan: Grow a Remarkable Business
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Ramit definitely makes you see things from a different viewpoint and that can help you to look at things and make changes.
I Will Teach You to Be Rich (Second Edition)
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GaryVee will definitely get your attention, there is no mincing words with him.
#AskGaryVee: One Entrepreneur's Take on Leadership
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Who wants to work 40+ hours a week? No one really yet they do it as if they have no better option. Learn methods to decrease the hours you work each week and maintain your cashflow or increase it.
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere
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Are you trying to build a small business you will be stuck in forever or are you trying to build an empire where you're at the TOP?! I think it's the later and this book could help you discover what and how you can can do just that.
Building an Empire: Next Level Edition
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How do you standout from the crowd? What makes you easy to remember? What makes you stick in people heads? This book covers why it's important to be memorable and stick in peoples thoughts.
Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive
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Methods on how to start a business from the ground up. No one method is right for everyone so it's always wise to have multiple methods at your disposal.
How to Start a Business: Step-By-Step Guide
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What is the one thing youi need a lot of as a content creator business? Content, content content and more content. What more do you need? Passion to drive it and then to monetize it!
Content Inc., 2nd Ed: Start a Content-First Biz
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More ways to make money.
$1000 100 Ways: How Real People Make Real Money
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Do you know anything about being in sales? If you don't then this would be a good start to give you a leg up.
The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business
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This book provides good insights into how to increase traffic on your websites. Concepts that could help with design, language and more to increase the flow of eyes on your sites and click-through-rates.
Dotcom Secrets The Underground Playbook
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This book provides good insights into how to increase traffic on websites and social media. Tips, tricks and methods that could help you increase traffic and potentially increase your cashflow.
Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook
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This book puts your mind to work with deep concepts and theories of the extrodinary capabilities of the mind.
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Laws


Each of the Robert T. Kiyosake books has a plethora of viewpoints and insights into building personal and business finances through a variety of methods and tips.

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This book is a life-story with insights and tips for money management and financial freedom.
Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Kids
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This book gives more tips and insights into investing and financial wellness. Putting these concepts into action could help you build wealth and financial independence.
Rich Dad's Guide to Investing: What the Rich Invest
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Can you say you currently have financial freedom? You can get some tips on how to gain it here. Robert offers a variety of insights and tips that more people should be  using.
Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant: Financial Freedom
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This book gives you more insights from Robert on finances and how to turn things around with your finances and potential ways to increase wealth.
Rich Dad's Who Took My Money? (Paperback)
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This book will help with having financial knowledge and  help with putting things into action. It can give you an unfair advantage with your finances. This book offers viewpoints on finances that can be applied to personal and business finances.
Unfair Advantage
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This book goes over how to turn bad debt into good debt. More insights into managing finances and getting out of the hole. Without having to cut up your credit cards.
Rich Dad's Guide: Turn 'Bad Debt' into 'Good Debt'
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This book will give you some insights into a military mindset for entrepreneurs.
8 Lessons in Military Leadership for Entrepreneurs