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Sanuthi Kalugalla
All things beauty, fashion, health, wellness, leisure, and travel!💗☀️
Sanuthi Kalugalla's Lists
My Favourite Sol de Janeiro Products
13 items
Sol de Janeiro has been one of my favourite brands for a while now. I used their products all the time when travelling in Asia, and here are some of my favourites that I used.
Top 13 perfumes to add to your Christmas Wishlist
13 items
I think people saying you smell good is one of the best compliments ever. And with Christmas coming up, what better way to find your siganature scent?
Booktok books that are worth reading
13 items
I've been on BookTok for a while and while some books are really really good, there are some that should've just been left on the shelf.. After reading a lot (and i mean a lot) of BookTok recommendations, I've curated a list of what I think is worth your time.
Books that shaped our childhood
11 items
I think that at one point, we all had a phase of reading. Whether it was going to the school library as a class, or book-fairs in which you only bought erasers and pens, every kid has atleast heard of these books.
University Essentials for studying
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I know that most exams have just finished and everyone is enjoying a well deserved break (including myself). But as we come around to next semester, here are some essentials that I have been using that has helped me achieve high grades in first semester.
Some of the prettiest formal dresses I've seen this year
5 items
Whether it's going out to party, a friendly dinner, or grocery shopping (if you wanna feel extra), these are some of my favourite dresses I've come across while online shopping.