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Mindful Tots: Promoting Emotion Regulation/Intelligence in 0-5 yr olds

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Here are some of the items that I have found supportive in teaching social/ emotional development and helping my little one learn about feelings. When it comes to supporting toddlers this is an area that is always growing and evolving and a place I ...

Yoga and Mindfullness

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We also subscribe to the cosmic kids app. My toddler love to practice yoga with this fun and interactive tool
Watch Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventures | Prime Video
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So much fun to learn and practice yoga and incorporating the fun of the much loved dinosaurs
Dinosaur Yoga by Gates, Mariam
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This book is geared for kids from 5+, however I have found it can be useful for younger kids too. Such a great way to introduce Mindfullness from a clinical counsellor.
The Big Feelings Book for Children: Mindfulness
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This book uses cheerful rhymes and pictures to help teach the power of breathing. My tot loves to talk about super powers so this is a great way to incorporate tools to regulate and teach about mindfullness.
Breathing is My Superpower: Mindfulness Book
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My little one loves his yoga matt and goes and grabs his every time I grab mine.
Gaiam Kids' Yoga Mat, 4mm, PVC, Lightweight
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Such a peaceful way to to down regulate before bedtime, it is in our nightly routine.
Good Night Yoga: A Pose-by-Pose Bedtime Story
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This can be used in so many different and fun ways to teach and learn yoga
Yoga Pretzels: 50 Fun Yoga Activities for Kids
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We love all the books in this series and this one a a wonderful one for yoga.
I Am Yoga
Yoga Dice - Kids Yoga Game - Tree Fort Toys
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For kids 4 and up, though again we use with our three yr old so really depends on your child
The Monkey Mind Meditation Deck: 30 Fun Ways
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The cutest way to visualize and practice breathe.. it helps me too. The more we practice this in calm states the more I see my little one using this when big feelings arise. Great for calming corners too.
Breathing Pal 'Ted' - Visual Breathing Guide
Dinosaur Bedtime Meditations for Kids - Audiobook

Books that Promote Social & Emotional Development

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This book is a wonderful introduction to introduce more complex emotions in a kid friendly way. My 3.5 yr old loves how the book is interactive and has you put on your invisable thing glasses. This book really is for all ages and would grow with your...
Invisible Things by Pizza, Andy J.
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My little loves to pretend to be a detective and this has been a great way to learn about feelings and emotions. This is a whole series that is a valuable resource.
A Little SPOT of Feelings: Emotion Detective
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This book really helps to bring in some fun and creative activities to help promote social emotional development.
The Feelings Activity Book for Toddlers: 50 Fun
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This book is probably geared for 4-5 yr olds but we started when my little one was about 2.5. This has some good messages and I really like the cut out emotions pictures in the back of the book.
My Body Sends a Signal: Helping Kids Recognize ...
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I really like how they talk about emotions and the brain in a kid friendly way, very scientific which toddlers love. probably more geared for 3+ but something that can be intuced at younger ages too.
My Mixed Emotions: Help Kids Handle Their Feelings
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Toddlers learn through stories and I find myself being able to relate situations for my little one back to this book to help him understand his feelings and others.
The Boy with Big, Big Feelings by Lee, Britney
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It's important for me that my little one understands that all his emotions are ok, it's how we act on the feelings that may need some more tools or support with.
All Feelings Are Okay by Hayes, Emily


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I really like how the pictures used are real children, as it really helps to get some of the facial nuances that some of the cartoon pictures aren't always able to capture. Also like that it helps with not only social emotional skills but fine motor ...
Learning Resources Feelings & Emotions Puzzle Cards
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A fun way to bring up conversations about identifying feelings and emotions. Match the emotions, or play dominoes
Petit Collage Feelings Matching Game
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This on our wish list as I really like co operative games, especially as my little one is a bit on the competitive side. This game helps build empathy, compassion, and working together.
Peaceable Kingdom Friends and Neighbors: Helping

Calming Corner Tools

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This could be used as a special seat in the calming corner to support expelling energy and emotions in a safe and healthy way. For older kids 5 and up. Can also be transitioned to use on seats at school.
Sensory Genius Wobble Cushion – Wiggle Seat
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A great seat to have in a calming corner as these can be used to sit and rock but can be used in many other ways that help to support some physical release of energy and emotions, which helps to get back to a regulated state.
Kid O Bilibo
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A fun and interactive game that helps kiddos start to learn and identify emotions, which is the building block of social emotional learning.
Learning Resources Who's Feeling What? 49 Pieces
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A great tool for any calming corner. These tiles also aid in sensory and perceptual development, along with gaining skills of cause and effect.
Sensory Floor Tiles
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This could be used as a game but I think it's also a great tool to have in the calming corner for little to express how they are feeling.
Big Feelings Pineapple
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Weighted stuffies are a great way to to help calm and regulate the nervous system for kids and adults alike.
Weighted Toy
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I love having affirmations around
Boho Rainbow Classroom Reading Corner Decor Pillow
hand2mind Mindful Maze Garden Pack, Set of 2
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A fun way to get regulated, watch the bubbles and set a timer before starting to talk or process.
Liquid Motion Bubbler Toy (3-Pack) Hourglass Timer