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Homeschool must haves for you and your child
15 items
Amber Short
Things I like to use for homeschooling to make things easier and help my children learn.
These are my favorite pens and the only ones I buy for my everyday use
Gel Pens
This is great to use to help learn days of the week and months of the year.
Monthly Calendar Pocket Chart
These are a must for everyday use while teaching at home
EXPO: Whiteboard and Dry Erase Board Markers ...
PaperPie has a lot of educational books and toys to choose from that are great for homeschooling
This is great for on your fridge your child can learn their letters and the sounds they make while playing
LeapFrog Fridge Phonics Magnetic Letter Set
For your homeschooling toddlers as they don't break as easy
Crayola Jumbo Crayons 8 ct.
For you older homeschool child
Crayola Crayons 64 Count Box with Sharpener
For some fun art projects
Crayola Markers - Colored Art Markers
For all those art projects
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To use to help learn how to cut lines and of course for those fun craft projects as well
Safety Scissors
A white board is a must for homeschooling. You can use it for so many things.
White Board
For when you don't want something to be so easily or accidentally erased
EXPO Low Odor Wet Erase Markers, Fine Point
To have a fresh clean board
EXPO Dry Erase Whiteboard Cleaning Spray, 8 oz.
This is a great tool to help keep your whiteboard nice and clean
EXPO Microfiber Cleaning Cloth - Expo markers
I love using this site with my little to help make learning fun Early Learning Academy