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Breastfeeding essentials

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my go-to breastfeeding essentials. These picks have been my real-life saviors that make nursing a breeze – for both baby and me.
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I was able to save so much breast milk for storage without pumping. I just attached to my other side while feeding.
haakaa : Breast Pumps
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I use these bags to store my breastmilk. (A pro tip is to release all air from the bag and freeze it lying flat, then later you can store it standing up and have room. )
Medela Bags
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This cream is a life saver!
Lansinoh Lanolin Nipple Cream for Breastfeeding ...
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This nursing bra has helped me maintain comfort, especially when I'm engorged. My favorite one I can easily remove the latch to feed and it absorbs letdowns and leaks if I don't have my haakaa.
Nursing Bras
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When my daughter was in the NICU I struggled with my milk supply. This shirt helped me do skin-to-skin with her increase my supply, and keep us both cozy and warm.
Kangaroo Shirt For Mom And Baby
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These prenatal vitamins are the vitamins I used while pregnant and now while I am breastfeeding. My favorite thing about them is they don't have any gelatin in them, which is difficult to find for a reasonable price.
Rainbow Light Prenatal One Multivitamin ...
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Body armor has been a game changer in my nursing journey! Hydration is the key to a good milk supply.
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My son was tongue-tied and it made it difficult for him to latch. I was determined to not have to bottle feed and these helped me with that. It was uncomfortable at first but it did help me.
Nipple Shields in Feeding(950)
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I use imy bopy pillow for multiple things, but it's a great nursing pillow and helped me with both of my kids; especially in that newborn stage and when they need a little more support with feedings.
Shop the Best Nursing Pillows Collection
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Free website with tons of resources and information. This site even helped me find a lactation specialist in my area.
La Leche League USA: Home
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I use an insulated breast milk bag to store my milk when I'm dropping the baby off with a sitter. I also used it recently while traveling to keep my breast milk from spoiling.
Skip Hop Insulated Breast Milk Cooler And Baby ...
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This is my favorite breast pump.
Willow Go Wearable Double Electric Breast Pump Kit
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I do cover my baby when feeding in public areas. This cover has enough room for me to look down and see the baby and re-latch if I need to.
Baby Nursing Covers
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Horrible taste but if your are desperate it does the job.
Munchkin Milkmakers Lactation Cookie Bites
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This tea combined with coconut milk is chefs kiss! I love the taste and it did its job!
Mother's Milk® Tea - Traditional Medicinals
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I'm in the process of weaning and cabbage leaves have helped reduce swelling and pain for me.
Using Cabbage Leaves for Weaning, Mastitis, Engorgement, More