Benable — create shareable lists of things you recommend!
E.g., products you love, local businesses, travel recs - you can add anything to a Benable list!
Tiffany Jackson profile picture

Tiffany Jackson

Mixologist, fragrance slinger, card reader, magic making, lover of life!! [email protected]
Tiffany Jackson's Lists
Purple Star Emoji
Diabetic Do's
Purple Star Emoji
Get up & Get out! Explore Norman and other small towns in Oklahoma with me!
Purple Star Emoji
Oh Baby. the places we can go!
Purple Star Emoji
Things that make my heart go pitter-patter!
Purple Star Emoji
I'm a Gamer Girl!
Purple Star Emoji
Survival and safety
Purple Star Emoji
You Smell That? My list of all things that smell delicious! Jump on this train and find yourself something nice!
Purple Star Emoji
Let's Get Warm and Cozy! All things warm ancd fuzzy that I HIGHLY encourage you to snuggle up with and pair it with a book from my list too!