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Spontooneous Boat Safety

Purple Star emoji 18 items
Keep everyone onbaord safe with these boat safety must haves!

Life Jackets and throwables

A must have and legally required.

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Make sure you have a life jacket onboard for each passenger onboard. It's the law!
Connelly Mens Large Tunnel 4-Belt Nylon Boating Lake Swimming Life Vest Safety Jacket, Gray and Black
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These baby life jackets automatically role the baby over on his/her back if they fall overboard. Must have for all babies onbaord. And again, it is the law. All children in Michigan, under the age of 6, are required to wear a U.S. Coast Guard approve...
Bradley Yellow Infant Baby Life Jacket Vest | US Coast Guard Type III High Visibility
Teresa Perkins profile picture
Get yourself or lucky lady in your life this stylish pink life jacket. Remember, there must be enough life jackets onboard for everyone onbaord. It is the law.
Airhead Trend Women's Life Jacket Vest - Black/Hot Pink
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Get your children's life jackets here. It is the law. All children in Michigan, under the age of 6, are required to wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved life jacket or life vest when onboard a boat. The life vest should always be in good condition and fi...
Speedo Child Life Jacket Vest PFD - Salad Slices
Teresa Perkins profile picture
Get your Life Preserver Ring to have onbaord. It is the law to have a throwable onboard.
Lifebuoy 20Inch Ring & 98.4FT Lifesaving Rope
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Seachoice Emergency Marine Foam Flotation Cushion. This is another option for a throwable to always have onbaord. It is the law. Add a rope to it so you can retrieve it in the event you miss your target the first time. Otherwise you will need multipl...
Seachoice Emergency Marine Foam Flotation Cushion
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Throwable Pfd/ West Marine. Legally have to have a throwable Personal Floatation Device on the boat in case of an emergency.
TD2401 Type IV Throwable PFD

Required Safety Items

Required Safety Items.

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Get your Marine/Boat Fire Extinquisher. It is the law to have a working fire extinquisher onbaord. Do maintenance checks regularly.
First Alert Marine Fire Extinguisher
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Marine First Aid kits. Not required but good to have. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to break out my first aid kit on the boat.
Offshore Emergency Medical Kit
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Make sure you have your navigational Lights - Required.
Top Port & Starboard Navigation Lights - Reliable Marine Safety | West Marine
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Boat Horn is Required.
Super Blast Marine Signal Horn, 8 oz.
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Flares for your boat/Law on the ocean must haves.
Coastal Alerter Flare Kit with Accessories

Good to Have but not Required

Good to Have but not Required.

Teresa Perkins profile picture
Not required but good to have for small quick repairs.
4000 UV Polyether Adhesive Sealant, White, 3 oz. Tube
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Navigational Devices and Fish Finder for finding fish and to know haw shallow the water is. You do not want to get your prop stuck in the mud or hit a sandbar or a rock.
Humminbird HELIX 9 CHIRP GPS G4N Fish Finder/Chartplotter
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Marine VHF radios are not required for most recreational boats that are under 65.5 feet long, but they can be a vital piece of safety equipment. All pleasure boats sailing beyond 6 miles ("semi-offshore" and "offshore" zones) must have a fixed VHF on...
Cobra MRHH350 FLT Floating VHF Handheld Marine Radio
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Marine VHF radios are not required for most recreational boats that are under 65.5 feet long, but they can be a vital piece of safety equipment. They allow for instant communication between your boat and other boats, marinas, bridges, and the United ...
Cobra MRF77B VHS Fixed-Mount Marine Radio with Built-In GPS Receiver
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Keep your cell phones charged in the even of power failure.
Stealth Cam® Sol-Pak 1,000-mAh Solar Battery Pack
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Never be stranded in the boat with a dead battery again. This marine battery charger is 100% waterproof and chargers from dead.
NOCO Genius GEN5X2 2-Bank 10A Smart Marine Charger