Night is the right time to do care for our whole body especially the face. Because I have a sensitive face type, before going to bed the face must be clean. This is my favorite skincare product
The right step of Skincare
Make Up Remover
The right step of Skincare
Using facial care products must be done correctly so that the skincare works well and adjust your skincare products to the condition and needs of your face.
Jangan Keliru, Ini Urutan Skincare Malam yang Tepat
Make Up Remover
After wearing make up all day, you need to clean your face with make up remover. Because facial soap alone will not be able to clean all the cosmetics from your face.
Membersihkan makeup dengan baik.Wajah terasa lembab dan segar.
The Originote Hyalurose Micellar Water - 300ml .
Membersihkan sisa make up, debu dan kotoran diwajah. Cocok untuk kulit wajah sensitif.tidak lengket dan tidak berminyak
Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water 125ml Pembersih Wajah
Mengangkat sisa makeup dan membersihkan kotoran diwajah dengan lembut. Wajah terasa lembut dan lembab.Bisa untuk semua jenis kulit
Wardah Micellar Water Series Lightening | Acnederm |
Setelah wajah dibersihkan dengan make remover, sekarang dilanjutkan dengan cleanser/facewash
Cocok untuk oily to acne prone skin.Mengurangi timbulnya bakteri penyebab jerawat