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Terianna Wofford
Mom, Wife, Nurse. Busy life style, moving state to state. Sharing fun and interesting products and places with you.
Terianna Wofford's Lists
Creating the Perfect Easter Basket for Teens
7 items
My son is 15, he knows the Easter Bunny is not real, but he still enjoys participating in all the fun. These are some items I have been looking into getting to make his Easter Bunny gift extra special!!
Grandma's Banana Bread
16 items
Do you ever find yourself with bananas that are just a little too brown for you and your family to enjoy eating? Instead of throwing them out, why not turn them into something delicious? I am going to share with you everything you need to make my grandma's banana bread. You can of course change it up a little to your liking, try adding fruits, nuts or spices.
Favorite Bags of a Nurse
15 items
Working in many different specialties as a nurse, it is always important to have a bag that will meet all your needs. We always have equipment to make our job easier, along with all of our personal belongings and snacks. These bags will hold all your belongings and help keep your bag organized.
What I will be using this year when we PCS.
19 items
West coast to East coast, moving across the country is stressful and exhausting. These are some of the items, tools, and essentials I use to help it be a little more smooth and more comfortable!!!
High School back to School Essentials (teen boy)
9 items
Trying to figure out what is in for your teenage son starting high school? ME TOO!! These are some of my sons essentials.