Simple theme when you can't think of another theme. Everyone shows up in their favorite comfy pajamas.
Fire and Ice Is a classic LS party theme. Couples can mix and match, and decorations are easy to figure out. The trick with Fire and Ice is balance. You want to represent both elements in your decorations.
Who doesn't love a good rave? Decorations are easy, a couple of lights and neon glowing stuff.
Everyone arrives, disrobes and puts on their favorite robe. Caution this will get frisky fast.
Everyone brings their favorite sex toy to share. Make sure you have cleaning wipes on hand for this one.
Recreate the fun of an 80s sleepover with your sexy friends. Bonus, everyone gets to stay the night.
Pick a decade, any decade. Do outfits and decorations to match.
Mardi Gras can be any time of year. Plus decorations are on sale after Mardi Gras
Sexy superheroes for the win. Did you know Marvel owns the word “Superhero”?