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Children's Books

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Children's books, in different languages.
Thouria Benferhat profile picture
This is how your child gets early exposure to foreign languages.
Bilingual Coloring Book: Zoo Animals
Thouria Benferhat profile picture
A place for your child to write ✍🏼 in Arabic on a regular basis. This workbook is organized by topic, with space available for drawings and SPANISH (or another language) translation.
En árabe... ¡Quiero escribir!: Un lugar para ...
Thouria Benferhat profile picture
Aryssa is a multilingual little girl. She meets four cats who speak four different languages. Besides introducing your child to English, French and Spanish, this book also contains simple math and a lesson about sharing.
When reading this book with your child, keep the following in mind: The child in this story understands ALL languages. This short story encourages your child to:
understand more than one language, communicate with new people, communicate with different people, think critically by asking and answering questions about the story.
This is also a writing workbook: Space is provided so that your child may practice writing by copying every line of text.
عند قراءة هذا الكتاب مع طفلك، ضع في اعتبارك ما يلي: الطفلة في هذه القصة تفهم كل اللغات. تشجع هذه القصة القصيرة طفلك على: 1. فهم أكثر من لغة واحدة ، 2. التواصل مع أشخاص جدد ، 3. التواصل مع أشخاص مختلفين ، 4. التفكير النقدي بطرح الأسئلة حول الق...
Aryssa and the Cats: A Multilingual Kids' Book
Thouria Benferhat profile picture
A place for your child to write ✍🏼 in Arabic on a regular basis. This workbook is organized by topic, with space available for drawings and SPANISH (or another language) translation.
En árabe... ¡Quiero escribir!: Un lugar para ...
Thouria Benferhat profile picture
A place for your child to write ✍🏼 in Arabic on a regular basis. This workbook is organized by topic, with space available for drawings and French (or another language) translation.
En arabe… Je veux écrire!: Un espace ...
Thouria Benferhat profile picture
A place for your child to write ✍🏼 in Arabic on a regular basis. This workbook is organized by topic, with space available for drawings and ENGLISH (or another language) translation.
In Arabic… I Want to Write!: بالعربية ... أريد أن أكتب
Thouria Benferhat profile picture
À l'aide de ce cahier d'exercices, votre enfant peut revoir le vocabulaire et la grammaire arabes de base en contexte. Ils peut :
1. améliorer ses compétences en compréhension orale (tous les textes sont enregistrés sur mon podcast (Things You Need to Know About Arabic), 2. pratiquer la lecture en lisant de courts passages en arabe et vérifier la compréhension par rapport à l...
Si vous êtes plus avancé et que vous souhaitez vous plonger dans la grammaire et les déclinaisons, vous apprécierez : 1- traduire les passages, 2- ajouter les déclinaisons.
La SOLUTION à la fin du livre contient les textes entièrement vocalisés et leur traduction en anglais.
En arabe… je suis irakien: CAHIER D'EXERCICES (French ...
Thouria Benferhat profile picture
Using this workbook, your child can review core Arabic vocabulary and grammar in context. They can:
improve their listening comprehension skills (all texts are recorded on my podcast: Things You Need to Know About Arabic), practice reading by reading short passages in Arabic and check understanding against the English at the back of the book, p...
If you are more advanced and want to delve into grammar and declensions, you will enjoy: translating the passages, adding the declensions.
The KEY at the end of the book contains the fully voweled texts and their English translation.
In Arabic… I Am Iraqi: بالعربية... أنا عراقي
Thouria Benferhat profile picture
Introduce your child to the magic of Arabic as soon as they can hold a coloring, pencil! They will color animals as well as their names in Arabic and English.
In Arabic... and English... I Want to Color!: Bilingual ...
Thouria Benferhat profile picture
Algerian Arabic Story, with English Translation
Yomna in Language Dreamland: Algerian Arabic Story
Thouria Benferhat profile picture
Multilingual Workbook for the next Polyglot in your Life!
Yomna in Language Dreamland: Multilingual Workbook
Thouria Benferhat profile picture
Here are the books you were looking for! Bilingual and multilingual, for all ages! Bilingual Children's Books