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Purple Star emoji 7 items
These are the best dog toys I have found. Leave me a comment if your dog has a favorite you think I should add to my list. I do add affiliate links to my items.  I use any tiny comissions to take care of my family and pets, not buy jets so I hope you enjoy my links.

Toys and Entertainment

Dog toys your dog will love

Yvonne Frausto profile picture
These are so great if you are tired of cleaning stuffing up from all over the house. My dog really only wants to carry around the  body of her unalived toys anyways. these are so cute and our neighbors all love seeing her walk through the neighborhood.
FIREOR No Stuffing Plush Dog Squeak Toy
Yvonne Frausto profile picture
Who doesn't love sea turtles? This is a great way to keep your pup busy just by adding some kibble.  And it is even washable.
Sea Turtle Snuffle Mat for Dogs - Interactive Toy
Yvonne Frausto profile picture
Helps slow down your dogs eating and keep them busy for much longer. Can ube used with wet food or dry and can even be tossed in the dishwasher.  Has lots of suction cups on the back if you want to stick it to a hard floor or even a shower wall for bath time.
Femont Snuffle Mat & Silicone Lick Mat
Yvonne Frausto profile picture
If you have an energetic dog that gets into trouble, this is a good way to wear them out so they take a nap instead of eating your furniture and clothing.  The rubber balls last a very long time and dogs love chewing on them.The ones that are a bit like tennis balls destroy a bit faster.
Chuck it ball and launcher


Yvonne Frausto profile picture
I got one of these personalized dog tags for my dog 4 years ago and it still looks wonderful.  She takes the time and hand writes the information and then does a heavy coat of resin over the writing so it doesn't rub off.  Check out her shop.
CreationsByTStore - Etsy
Yvonne Frausto profile picture
Having a 30 Ft. retractable leash is amazing if you live near the beach or an open field or a creek so you can just let your dog run and sniff and pee until their hearts content. My dogs always need more exercise than I do and this really helps. You ...
30FT Retractable Dog Leash for Medium Large Dogs
Yvonne Frausto profile picture
These collars are a great way to stop the dreaded jingles that drive you crazy and are well made collars from small businesses.
Dog collars - Etsy