A children's play area is a dream for all parents to provide. However, sometimes there are still many other needs after the baby is born. Don't worry, let's create a fun, neat and perfect playground at a low cost.
Pictures and wall decorations are the main key in decoration. Wall decorations with animal and bright pictures provide enthusiasm and knowledge to children.
Jual Homess.art Hiasan Dinding Kamar Tidur Anak Aesthetic Lion ...
Small children often imagine things and also enjoy seeing things floating. Give floating hangers in the form of aesthetic balloons. did you know this balloon will never pop.
Jual Lettering and Life Balloon Wall Decoration / Pajangan Dinding ...
This playmate will protect children from bumps or falls on walls when children play alone. Made from material that is safe for children and waterproof.
[hh] 30x30x1cm puzzle alas lantai eva mat wood karpet tikar matras ...
Unique and funny animated carpets can be placed in the playroom. This is useful as a playing mat as well as the beauty of the room.
karpet bulu bulat modern minimalis lucu korea diameter 100cm
Multi-purpose basket that can be used as a toy box. The toys will be neatly arranged when they are finished using them.
Keranjang Felt Lipat Storage Box Bayi Multifungsi Organizer Mini ...
Give a cute little bunny touch to your child's playroom.
Wall stickers can help provide a warm and exciting playing feel. A variety of animated images specifically for children will increase children's imagination when playing.
Wal Stiker Dinding Kamar Anak Aesthetic Rainbow Bear Animal ...
Macrame Toy Hammock/Doll storage adds beauty to the playroom. Apart from being a wall display, it is also used as a place for hanging dolls.
Multipurpose storage shelves are a must in the playroom. so that the toys remain neatly arranged after use. made from plastic that is not easily damaged or winged and is safe for children.
Rak Penyimpanan Mainan Plastik Anak-anak / Stall rack - Shopee
Rak buku juga harus disertakan di ruang bermain anak. hal ini memberikan pemahaman anak tentang senangnya membaca buku mulai dari kecil.
Jual DUO Carrot bookshelf/ Rak buku anak | Shopee Indonesia
The headboard is the most important decoration part in arranging a child's playroom. Functions as a beauty for the room while keeping children safe from collisions when playing.
Jual HEADBOARD OSCAR PREMIUM | Cupcake Motif 60cm x 20cm
Wall decorations can also monitor children's height growth.
Jual Fox and Bunny | Growth Chart | Pengukur Tinggi Badan - Shopee
Children's study table sets are adapted to various needs for writing, reading, playing and so on. This multi-purpose table set has lots of storage space features, a modern minimalist design and is sturdy and safe for children.
DUO Multifunction table and chair/ meja belajar dan bermain anak
Sets for drawing, writing, sticking magnetic numbers can complete a child's playroom. minimalist and modern design with animated animal shapes.
Support children's high imagination by equipping their playroom with a tent. This provides excitement when playing and can also be used as a place to read or rest after playing.
Tenda Bermain Anak Teepee Indian 110Cm 135Cm 160Cm Terlaris ...
Food series pillows can be added to the playroom as a seat, backrest or pillow for resting.
This multi-purpose storage area can be used to store toys to keep them tidy. Unique form of toy in the form of cute and minimalist transportation animation.
Jual Ace Stora 42.5X31X26 cm Kotak Penyimpanan Dengan Roda ...