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Kitchen Decor mush Haves

Kitchen Knife emoji 68 items
I share aesthetic kitchen equipment and utensils here, everything I like and dream of, even though some have not yet come true

Kitchen Shelves

Come on, take a peek at the kitchen shelves that make a neat kitchen look beautiful and aesthetic
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Rak multifungsi, praktis banget dan ga memakan banyak tempat, jadikan dapur rapi dan tampil aesthetic
Rak Piring Wastafel Dapur Stainless Steel Multi-fungsi
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Dapur kurang rapi karena terlalu banyak barang, rak ini solusinya.
Rak Penyimpanan Dapur Serbaguna
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Rak ini bahannya kokoh, bagus suka, rekomend banget jadikan dapur aku rapi
Rak Bumbu Dapur
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The best quality
Rak Wastafel Dapur Multi-fungsi Rak Piring Rak Penyimpanan
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Its ok
Nyaman Rak Piring Wastafel Stainless steel Rak dapur Kokoh Kuat ...
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High quality not only beautifies your kitchen but also increases the efficiency and practicality of your kitchen
Kitchen Sink Wastafel Stainless Steel Bak Cuci Piring
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Really its ok
HBS Rak Penyimpanan Bawang Putih Jahe Rak Keranjang
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Multipurpose shelf, simple
Rak Tempel Gantung Kulkas Magnetik Serbaguna - Shopee
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Recommend because of this shelf my kitchen is neat
Rak Piring Plastik Putih Aesthetic | Shopee Indonesia
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Recommended, solid wood
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So its simple
Rak tempat minyak/ wooden rack oil sauce
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Aesthetic rack
Rak Tempat Botol Minyak Holder Botol Kayu | Shopee Indonesia
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Good quality, recommended
Tempat Penyimpan Sendok Garpu Sumpit Estetik
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I would recommend, quality premium stainless, low budget
Rak penyimpanan 5 tingkat stainless & hitam rak dapur
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Sturdy material and easy to install
Rak Troli / Rak Dapur / Rak Penyimpanan Susun 4/5 Tingkat Besi
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My kitchen is neat because the shelves contain lots of things
Rak Troli / Rak Dapur / Rak Penyimpanan Susun 4/5 Tingkat Besi ...
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Simple and practical, I would recommend
Rak Dapur Troli Dengan Roda Geser Rak Laci Penyimpanan
Younan profile picture
Good quality, I like it
Rak Oven Rak Microwave Yang Dapat Ditarik Stainless Steel
Younan profile picture
I would recommend, its good
Rak Dapur Bawah Wastafel Kitchen Rack Rak Kabinet Lemari
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The cloth hangers are all neater
KAGURA Rak Gantung Kain Dapur/Kamar Mandi Nordic
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The material is sturdy and looks aesthetic
Rak Gelas Organizer Besi Cup Holder
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Simple and looks beautiful
Rak Buah Besi Segitiga Tingkat 2 Serbaguna

Kitchen Utensils

Berbagai macam kompor yang aku rekomendasikani aku bagikan disini, semoga membantu ya
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Kompor Tanam bikin dapur kamu lebih aesthetic
Kompor gas tanam built-in hob 2 tungku RINNAI RB-712N S
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Kompornya bagus, recommended
Winn Gas Kompor Kaca Tanam 2 Tungku W 818 - Shopee
Younan profile picture
Cooking becomes easier
Midea Kompor Induksi IC-1610 Hitam (Free Panci) Induction Cooker ...

Multifunctional Container

Sejak ada wadah2 multifungsi ini dapurku tidak berantakan lagi
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Keranjang bawang gemesh
Keranjang tempat bumbu dapur serbaguna Gantung dapur dinding ...
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Wadah multifungsi dan aesthetic
Storage Box Organizer Bak Keranjang Barang Handle Kayu Vintage ...
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Keliatan rapi sekarang setelah ada keranjang multiguna ini
Kotak Organizer Sekat Laci Pakaian Fleksibel
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Semuanya jadi lebih mudah setelah ada dispenser wadah ini
Tempat Dispenser Beras Aesthetic Estetik Anti Kutu
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Karena container box semuanya jadi lebih rapi
Kotak Kontainer Makanan Kulkas Food Storage Box
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DESOWOCO Rak Pengering Air Kaki Kayu Mangkok Rak Piring
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Its aesthetics
Bread box, tempat penyimpanan roti serbaguna
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Make it simple
Tempat Gelas Kopi / Cup Holder / Tempat Gelas Kopi Tempel
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multipurpose plastic, recommended
Plastik Kulkas Penyimpanan Tebal / Plastik

Cooking Ware

Use safe and comfortable cooking utensils
Younan profile picture
cooking everything just got easier, recommended
Yong Ma SMC 7047 N | Shopee Indonesia
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Panci & wajan Stainless korean style , good quality
Panci Ramen Korea Noodle Pot Stainless Steel 18cm, 20cm, 22cm
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Stainless Soup Pot, thick material and equipped with a glass lid, good quality
Panci Masak Sayur Bahan Tebal | Soup Pot | Shopee Indonesia
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Aesthetic and practical electric pan, recommend
SAMONO Panci Listrik Keramik Serbaguna Magic Com Mini
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Good quality
Nyaman Wajan Stainless Steel 555 Besar Katel Anti Lengket Tebal
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frying without oil, healthy lifestyle
MITO Grande Air Fryer DigiFry AF10 Touch Screen Low Watt
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good quality and low budget
Mecoo Aesthetic Electric Oven 22 Liter 400-800 Low - Shopee
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Low budget and quality its ok, recommended
Younan profile picture
Premium quality, I would recommend
Joil Stand Mixer 5.5 Liter dengan Timer Off 6 Speed 0Stainless Steel
Younan profile picture
Since having this tool, my son likes to make his own donuts
Sonifer Donut Maker SF-6066 Alat Pembuat Kue Donat Elektrik
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Because everything is so easy with this tool, my son really likes making his own cakes
Sonifer Mesin Pemanggang Roti SF-6065 Sandwich Maker Elektrik
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Making Japanese-style omelettes is easy using this tool
Tamagoyaki Wajan Telur Frypan Anti Lengket Panci Martabak Grill
Younan profile picture
Good quality, I recommend
plat tatakan alas panci kompor anti gosong konduksi diffuser gas
Younan profile picture
It's simple and my son likes it
Cetakan Sandwich Waffle Maker - Shopee
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The design is elegant, suitable for cooking anything
YONG MA Magic Com SMC 0037 Digital Rice Cooker (2 Liter)
Younan profile picture
This oilless frying machine is really good, I recommend it
Cosmos AIR FRYER CAF-6603 | Shopee Indonesia
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I would recommend
Food Processor - Penggiling Daging - FP-32 - Kapasitas 1,7 Liter
Younan profile picture
Save 70%, its really good quality
Younan profile picture
A simple Way to slow cook
COSORI 10-Cup Rice Cooker, 18 Functions
Younan profile picture
The rice cooker expert, I would recommend
Yum Asia Panda Mini Rice Cooker 3.5 Cup
Younan profile picture
Perfect rice cooker
COMFEE' Rice Cooker Small
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The baking time, are you ready?
Double Belgian Waffle Maker, 1400W
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Chopper Meat good quality and low budget
Blender Daging Chopper Meat 2 Liter Grinder Gilingan - Shopee
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Super Speed Kettle, 1.8L Super Electric Kettle


Beautiful and aesthetic jars are here
Younan profile picture
Simple, elegan and low budget, recommended
Toples Kaca Transparan Penyimpanan Makanan Glass Storage Jar ...
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Suitable for spices
200ml candle glass jar wood lid/tempat lilin - Shopee
Younan profile picture
Simple and recommended
Tempat Penyimpanan Gula/Teh/Kopi/Garam - Shopee
Younan profile picture
suitable for snacks, airtight, low budget and I recommend
Toples Penyimpanan Cereal Kedap Udara Kontainer


All the kitchen utensils you need are here
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Regulator Gas, recommended
Regulator Gas Winn Gas W900M Triple Lock Pengunci Ganda
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cutting plastic just got easier
APHOME Dispenser Cling Wrap Alat Pemotong Plastik Wrapping
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Aesthetic refillable soap bottles
DISU Soap Dispenser Botol Refill Sabun Cair Cuci ...
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the quality and performance are good
SAMONO Pengocok Susu Milk Frother Portable Foam Kopi
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cheap tissue directly from the factory
Tissue MICE ku {Paket 10 pack} 180lbr 2ply tissue halus
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Kursi Lipat harga terbaik ada disini
Kursi Lipat Mini Kursi Lipat Outdoor Kursi Jongkok Plastik