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Must read books!

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Amanda McPhail profile picture
Eat your heart out 50 shades! This book will have you captivated from the very first page!
Bared to You: The book that launched the...
Amanda McPhail profile picture
Book 2 in the crossfire series. Will make you want more
Reflected in You (A Crossfire Novel) : Sylvia Day
Amanda McPhail profile picture
Book 3 to the crossfire series. If you're still with me then you will understand
Entwined with You: A Crossfire Novel : Day, Sylvia
Amanda McPhail profile picture
Book 4 is the crossfire series. Just when you think it couldnt get juicier
Captivated by You: A Crossfire Novel - Sylvia Day
Amanda McPhail profile picture
The 5th and final book in the crossfire series. This will have you crying and laughing and feeling everything! A perfect ending
One with You : Day, Sylvia
Amanda McPhail profile picture
This book is phenomenal for learning how to budget and become debt free from scratch
The Barefoot Investor : Pape, Scott
Amanda McPhail profile picture
This is a great book to get you realising some of your mistakes and how to stand up for yourself and care less about what others think
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
Amanda McPhail profile picture
Couldn't put this down. A coming of age story that truly makes you feel everything, every step of the way
Sam : Goodman, Allegra - Books