I'm interested in psychology. Why Psychology? Because without realizing it, Psychology is a very interesting discussion for many people, Psychology also makes it easier for us to explore what we have, makes our social interactions better, and helps many aspects of our own lives. Through this list, I share my interests, what motivates and inspires me, the importance of mental health, also recommend books to read for self-evaluation and improvement. After finishing with ourselves, we can contribute and be useful to other people's lives. Hopefully we can become the best version of ourselves.
Motivation, Inspiration, and Montessori
A Challenging Transition Period
How to Be a Better Adult
Growing Old: A Beautiful Journey
Self Improvement
Motivation, Inspiration, and Montessori
Victoria Lynn Hayden, known as Torey L. Hayden (born 21 May 1951 in Livingston, Montana, U.S.), is a special education teacher, university lecturer and writer of non-fiction books based on her real-life experiences with teaching and counseling childr... She made my interest in psychology deeper. Then studied psychology. I applaud his patience in dealing with "difficult" children. The first book I read was One Child. A touching book that led me to the idea that the world of children is a challenge in...
Torey Hayden
Torey Hayden is an educational psychologist and special education teacher who since 1979 has chronicled his struggles in the classroom in a series of best-selling books. In 1980, One Child was published and immediately became a best-seller and was tr...
One Child
Talking about children, of course we can't ignore babies. As we know, humans are born as babies. Newborn babies do various things, including crying and breastfeeding. So, what is the relationship between breastfeeding a baby and mental health? Journal article in the National Library of Medicine states the Psychological Benefits of Breastfeeding: Improves Maternal Well-Being and Child Development. In short, the psychological benefits of breastfeeding are broad and profound. The broad implic... In Indonesia, fathers can join the AyahASI community!
2012, pemprakasa komunitas Ayah ASI "melahirkan" buku? Jujur, buku ini harus dibaca. Ringan tapi bermakna.
Catatan Ayah ASI
Perbedaan buku Catatan AyahASI dan buku Catatan AyahASI Ditambah-tambahin adalah bahwa buku Catatan AyahASI Ditambah-tambahin merupakan kelanjutan dari buku Catatan AyahASI yang menjelaskan berbagai hal mengenai ASI yang penting untuk pertumbuhan ana...
Catatan Ayah Asi Ditambah-tambahin
Fun and easy to understand! The book really explains from the basic. Truly a first book to read :) Talking about how to be a good father and mother, the answer is to always learn and find out. Parents who are experienced in parenting matters are certainly people who are always learning and are not embarrassed to ask questions. Things that need to be prepared for prospective fathers and mothers are certainly not only in prime physical condition. Mental health conditions are also important to pay attention to. The book Because This Is My First Parenting Life: Pengasuhan dan Permainan Anak 0-24 Bulan can provide parenting knowledge before your little one is born. This book contains a complete guide on caring for children, including: Questions and answers ab... The contents of the book Because This is My First Parenting Life are also very interesting. The reason is, almost every page in this book is equipped with colored illustrations which make it easier for you to understand the explanations contained in ...
Because This Is My First Parenting Life: Pengasuhan dan Permainan Anak 0-24 Bulan
The second book written by the Chai's Play team. Because This is My Baby's First Journey helps you understand stage by stage a child's growth and development from birth to 24 months of age. Remember, your child's childhood will never happen again! With a thickness of 186 pages, this book is divided into 6 chapters. Chapters Motor Development, Language Development, Social Emotional Development, Cognitive Development, Sensory Play and Toilet Training. Overall it's good, there's only one thing I don't agree with, namely the matter of putting powder on the baby after bathing.
Because This Is My Baby's First Journey: Tumbuh Kembang & Permainan Anak 0 - 24 Bulan
It’s time to change the way we see babies. Drawing on principles developed by the educator Dr Maria Montessori, The Montessori Baby shows how to raise your baby from birth to age one with love, respect, insight, and a surprising sense of calm. Cowrit... Including how to: •Prepare yourself for parenthood–physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. •Become an active observer to understand what your baby is really telling you. •Create Montessori spaces in your home, including “yes” spaces where nothing is off-limits. •Set up activities that encourage baby’s movement and language development at their own pace. •Raise a secure baby who’s ready to explore the world with confidence.
The Montessori Baby: A Parent's Guide
Every moment in the first year of life is a new learning experience for your baby. Today, more families are discovering Montessori by means of supporting their children’s development with a proven, evidence-based method that adopts principles that can be applied from birth to bring both immediate and long-term benefits. This comprehensive parent’s guide covers everything from Dr Maria Montessori's philosophies and how her methods centre on the relationship between the child, the adult, and the environment. •Understand how our children learn and adapt to their surroundings so parents can move away from restrictive and reactive behaviours towards meaningful engagement, thoughtful communication, and confidence. •Navigate the unique milestones of each developmental phase—from movement and language, and delve into day-to-day parenting insights, including setting up a home environment that promotes sensory development, mobility, and cognitive skills. •Plus, get invaluable tips on food introduction, outdoor activities, incorporating music, baby clothing choices, and activities and toys to foster natural learning and independence. Written with warmth, love, and deep respect for the holistic development of babies, Montessori for Babies is an invaluable book that equips parents and caregivers with the knowledge and tools to confidently navigate the joys and challenges of their c...
Montessori for Babies: Essential Guide for Parents
Montessori principles for baby care: •Montessori activity ideas for babies 0-12 months •Accompanying the baby's growth from conception to birth according to Montessori principles •Tips for preparing a home that is child-friendly and can support the baby's growth and development •Montessori philosophy in caring for babies •Baby development and preparation milestones per month •Four realms of baby development
The Montessori Baby
Turn your home into a Montessori home—and become a more mindful, attentive, and easygoing parent. It’s time to change the way we see toddlers. Using the principles developed by the educator Dr. Maria Montessori, Simone Davies shows how to turn life with a “terrible two” into a mutually rich and rewarding time of curiosity, learning, respect, and ... With hundreds of practical ideas for every aspect of living with a toddler, here are five principles for feeding your child’s natural curiosity, from “Trust in the child” to “Fostering a sense of wonder.” Step-by-step ways to cultivate daily routines... •Stay composed when your toddler is not and set limits with love and respect—without resorting to bribes or punishment •Set up your home and get rid of the chaos •Create Montessori activities that are just right for your one-to-three-year-old •...
The Montessori Toddler: A Parent's Guide
From the bestselling authors of The Montessori Toddler and The Montessori Baby, this book guides parents through the principles of Montessori to enhance their children's development and foster respectful relationships with their families and the worl... When children are given independence, the tools to succeed, and the encouragement to build on their abilities, it’s amazing what they can achieve. The newest book in the bestselling Montessori series is an everything-you-need-to-know guide to raising... The book includes dozens of hands-on activities to help foster your child's love of numbers and literacy, art and science, and ones that encourage community-building, social awareness, and connection with the natural world. The Montessori Child offer...
The Montessori Child: A Parent's Guide
A Challenging Transition Period
Several books could be recommendations for dealing with teenagers and their challenging transition period, cheers!
Adolescence is a phase of life full of significant physical, emotional and social changes. This is the transition period from childhoo...
This book teaches mindfulness techniques that can help teens reduce stress and increase self-awareness.
The Mindful Teen: Skills to Handle Stress
This book provides motivation and encouragement to achieve life goals. Even though the writing style is light and humorous, this book contains a very strong message about self-confidence and one's own strength.
You Are a Badass: Stop Doubting Your Greatness
This book provides a guide for parents to understand teenagers' thoughts and feelings. However, teenagers can also read this book to understand their parents' point of view. In the book The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read, the author, Philippa Perry, shares several insights as well as tips that can help parents understand how parents were raised in the past, which of course can influence children's parenting patterns... Also discusses how parents handle their own feelings, as well as handling children's feelings. Because, parents will not be able to calm their children's hearts, if their hearts are not calm first, right?
The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read
This book provides tips for effective communication between parents and children. Teenagers can learn how to express their opinions and feelings better.
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk
This book provides a guide for parents to face the challenges of raising teenagers. Teens can read this book to understand why their parents react the way they do and find ways to resolve the conflict.
Getting to Calm: Strategies for Parenting Teens
This book invites teenagers to reflect on their future and write letters to their future selves. This book can help teenagers find life goals and build self-motivation.
Future Learning Goals | meganhess - Wix.com
This recommended parenting book, The Big Disconnect: Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age, offers insights to help parents understand appropriately and wisely how to respond to technology involvement in the family.
The Big Disconnect: Protecting Childhood
This book discusses the importance of courage to be yourself and overcome fear. Teens can learn from this book how to resist the pressure to go with the flow and be themselves.
Daring Greatly: The Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way
This book honestly tells about the author's experience of struggling with depression. His story is both funny and heartfelt and can give hope to teenagers who are struggling with similar problems.
I Want to Die but Eat Tteokbokki: Memoir
This book discusses trauma and its impact on mental health. Although aimed at mental health professionals, this book can also provide insight for teenagers who have experienced trauma.
The Body Keeps the Score: Healing Trauma
Buku ini membahas tentang filsafat stoisisme yang dapat membantu remaja mengembangkan mental yang lebih kuat dan menghadapi tantangan hidup dengan lebih baik.
Filosofi Teras
How to Be a Better Adult
Adulthood: More Than Just Age
The word "adult" is often associated with getting older. However, becoming an adult is not just adding a number on the calendar. Adulthood is a process that involves physical, emotional, and intellectual growth. This i...
This book invites readers to reflect on the Danish lifestyle, which is famous for being happy and relaxed. Through interesting stories, this book provides inspiration to live a simpler and more meaningful life.
The Year of Living Danishly: Secrets of Happiness
This book is a classic guide to developing creativity and rediscovering the zest for life. The exercises in this book can help you explore hidden interests and talents.
The Artist's Way
This book tells of Viktor Frankl's experiences as a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp. His inspiring story teaches us about the importance of finding meaning in life, even in the most difficult situations.
Man's Search for Meaning
This book teaches mindfulness techniques that can help you reduce stress, increase focus, and develop self-awareness.
Mindfulness for Beginners
This book invites you to explore the deepest motivations behind what you do. By understanding "why" you work, it will be easier for you to find a suitable career direction and feel more satisfied.
Start with Why
This book provides practical guidance for designing the life you want, including your career. You will be taken through a series of exercises to discover your interests, values, and life goals.
Designing Your Life
Despite the title "4-Hour Workweek," this book isn't just about how to work less. This book is more about how to design a lifestyle that allows you to have more time for the things that are important to you.
The 4-Hour Workweek
This book invites you to focus on the things that are truly important in life, including career. By reducing unnecessary commitments, you will have more time and energy for the things that are truly meaningful.
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
This book discusses the concept of "flow", namely a state where we feel completely involved in an activity so that time seems to stop. By understanding this concept, you can discover more activities that bring happiness.
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
This book teaches four simple agreements that can drastically change your life. These agreements help you to better understand yourself and others, so that your relationships become more harmonious.
The Four Agreements: Guide to Personal Freedom
This book discusses attachment styles in relationships and how these attachment styles are formed from childhood. By understanding your attachment style, you can improve the quality of your relationships with others.
Attached: The Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find—and Keep—Love
This book teaches how to communicate with empathy and without violence. By using the techniques taught in this book, you can better resolve conflict and build stronger relationships.
Nonviolent Communication
This book provides practical guidance for navigating difficult and important conversations. By using the techniques taught in this book, you can convey your message clearly and effectively, even in difficult situations.
Crucial Conversations
This book teaches about the five different love languages. By understanding your partner's love language, you can show affection in a more meaningful way.
The 5 Love Languages
This book discusses love as an art that must be studied and practiced. Fromm offers a deep view of the meaning of love and how to love sincerely.
The Art of Loving
This book discusses four different types of love: affection, philia, eros, and agape. By understanding these four types of love, you can better appreciate the different types of relationships in your life.
The Four Loves
This book discusses the concept of ikigai, namely the reason why we wake up in the morning. By finding ikigai, you will have a clear purpose in life and feel happier.
Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to Happiness
This book offers a gentler approach to disciplining children, focusing on strong relationships between parents and children.
No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind
Growing Old: A Beautiful Journey
Aging is an inseparable part of life.
Just like the seasons, we will all experience them.
Aging is a unique journey for each individual. With a positive attitude and the right efforts, we can live a healthy, happy and meaningful old age.
This book discusses people who have high sensitivity. If your children or grandchildren fall into this category, this book will help you understand them better.
The Highly Sensitive Person
Meskipun judulnya fokus pada anak, buku ini juga memberikan wawasan tentang pentingnya kesehatan mental di setiap fase kehidupan, termasuk usia lanjut.
Kesehatan Mental Keluarga dan Anak
This book discusses the concept of prosperity and how to achieve it. This book provides a more comprehensive view of happiness.
This classic book provides guidance on how to communicate with children effectively. The principles in this book can also be applied to relationships with parents.
Between parent and child
Self Improvement
This book invites readers to carry out small experiments in everyday life to increase happiness. You will discover simple ways to feel more satisfied with life. The principles in this book can be applied at any age.
The Happiness Project
This book is a classic guide to self-development. A guide to developing habits that can increase productivity and life satisfaction. The principles taught in this book can help you become a more proactive, independent, and effective person.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
This book discusses how to form good habits gradually. By applying the principles in this book, you can achieve your career and life goals.
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
This classic book provides practical tips for building good relationships with others. The principles taught in this book are still relevant today.
How to Win Friends and Influence People
This book is suitable for everyone who wants to improve the quality of their life, whether students, workers or entrepreneurs. "Life Excellent" is a very inspiring and useful book for anyone who wants to achieve success. This book provides a comprehensive and practical guide to help readers reach their maximum potential.
Life Excellent
In this book, we will both get to know each other and also practice psychological tools that are useful for everyday life, the professional environment and personal development.
Last, but not least. The following is an introduction from Daud Antonius which can be a reference for why you need to read this book: "I will share some basic things that you may already know, but that we often forget. In essence, this book will not ...