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Betta Fish Aquarium Essentials

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Thinking about getting a betta? Here’s some products I recommend
Ashlee Rose profile picture
Bettas should have atleast a 5 gallon tank!!
Aqueon LED MiniBow 5 Gallon Fish Tank Kit
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Love this filter, it works great and it's quiet
Marina I25 Internal Filter
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Cartridge replacements for the marina filter
Marina I25 Power Cartridge, Aquarium Filter
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helps cycle tank faster and great for water changes
API QUICK START Nitrifying Bacteria 4oz
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Love the substrate from this brand as it contains beneficial bacteria
Aqua Natural Delta Sand Bio-Substrate 5lb
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Must have for any aquarium to insure your water is safe
API Tap Water Conditioner 16 oz Bottle
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If your betta is showing signs of finrot
HIKARI Betta Revive.08oz : Aquarium Thermometers
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Water test strips are important to make sure there’s no harmful chemicals in the water.
Tetra EasyStrips 6-In-1 Aquarium Test Strips
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Any type of live freshwater plant works great
BUY 2 GET 1 FREE Java Moss Portion Large 4 Oz Cup Live Aquarium Plants
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If you live in a warmer environment, I recommend this clip on fan. It used to be close to 90F but with this fan it's now 70's-80F
DaToo Mini Aquarium Chiller Fan 1-6Gal
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It’s highly recommended to get a heater for a betta. I don’t have one as I live in Hawaii and it’s already warm here.
HITOP Adjustable Aquarium Heater 50W
Ashlee Rose profile picture
Any fish tank thermometer will do but this one I love a lot.
Fluval EDGE Digital Aquarium Thermometer
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Contains tannins that bettas thrive in
SunGrow 50 pcs Catappa Almond Leaves for Betta
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My betta loves to go inside
Aquarium Decorations Cave Fish Tank Rock
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Great for cleaning the gravel/substrate
Aqueon Mini Aquarium Siphon Gravel Cleaner
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Driftwood is a great natural decoration
All Natural Aquarium Driftwood Assorted Branches Reptile Ornament for Fish Tank
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These are great if you have shrimp
Custom Cut CHOLLA Wood! | PICK A SIZE! | Fish, Shrimp Aquarium | Decor, Crafts
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Live plants really help with maintaining water quality and creating a natural environment
Live Freshwater Aquarium Plants | Explore Modern Aquarium Now
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A tasty lil treat that bettas love!
Tetra BloodWorms 0.25 Oz Freeze-Dried Fish Food
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Betta food that mine loves
Hikari Betta Bio-Gold Baby Pellets 3 Pack