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Baby Equipment We Loved as First Time Parents

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When we became first time parents we bought A LOT of stuff! These are pieces that we absolutely loved as first time parents!
Ashley Owens profile picture
This swing/highchair is one of our favorite things we bought! She grew out of her original swing quickly, so we got this after and loved the face that it could be used as a highchair as well! Our daughter loves to be included at the table so we curre...
3 in 1 Baby High Chair, Electric Baby Swing
Ashley Owens profile picture
This was a great lounger to have for our little girl! You can easily move it around with you and they have many different covers so you can easily swap out and wash whenever you need to!
Snuggle Me
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Loved this bassinet because we moved it all around our apartment so that we could always keep an eye on our daughter and she slept so well in it!
Baby Delight Bassinets & Sleepers Collection
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This was a great alternative for the baby bjorn bouncer as far as price goes because we did not want spend that kind of money on a bouncer. It’s small and compact and comes with dangling toys that your little one can play with!
Alpine Deluxe Portable Bouncer - Charcoal Tweed - Baby Delight
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We love this drying rack and still use to dry her straw cups now! It doesn’t take up a lot of counter space and I love the top bin to dry smaller parts!
Ubbi vertical bottle drying rack - ubbiworld
Ashley Owens profile picture
We loved this bottle sterilizer! It shows that it fits 5 bottles but if you have the shorter smaller bottles you can fit a few more in!
Compact Electric Bottle Sterilizer and Dryer - grownsy
Ashley Owens profile picture
I LOVED this baby wrap! It’s much more supportive of a material than other wraps in my opinion but still soft and stretchy. I liked that you could just fold it up and put it away!
Newborn Boba Baby Wrap Carriers
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Another favorite baby wear item! I loved it because it was much more comfy and less bulky than other baby carriers! We also loved the fact that is was an approved as a hip healthy carrier from the International Hip Dysplasia Institute which was impor...
Embrace Newborn Carrier - Ergobaby
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I was determined to make my daughter’s purées and this definitely was a 10/10. You can easily steam first and then it automatically starts to blend after! They have different options like fruits, veggies, meats etc… I highly recommend this one and I ...
BEAR 2024 Baby Food Maker | Auto Cooking
Ashley Owens profile picture
We tried a few different bath options for our daughter and this is the one that we really loved!
Bathing – angelcarebaby
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Once our daughter started moving too much in the angle care we transitioned to this bath seat and she absolutely loved it!! It was great because we didn’t have to worry about her falling sideways when she was sitting!
BabyBond Bath Seat 2 Sitting Modes
Ashley Owens profile picture
This was the first baby swing we bought for our daughter and it was great while it lasted! It rocks side to side and it has built in lullaby sounds but you could also connect your phone via Bluetooth and play songs as well!
Baby Swings - Jool Baby
Ashley Owens profile picture
We absolutely love this play pen as well as our daughter! We actually bought it as a trial run to see if she would like a floor bed and she has slept better than she ever has! We just put crib mattresses on the bottom and she sleeps so well but also ...
Dripex 52"×52" Baby Playpen for Toddlers
Ashley Owens profile picture
Our daughter loved this bouncer! She was able to practice standing and turning to play with all the toys! We actually kept this at her grandparents house and they were able to put her in to play and they also fed her in it as well!
Smart Steps Bounce N' Glide 3-in-1 Activity Center Walker | Safari Toss
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I will forever recommend a hatch for your baby! We have used this for so long now and she sleeps so much better at night with it blocking out sounds. It’s also a nice signal to them that it’s time to sleep which helps a lot!
Ashley Owens profile picture
We love this humidifier for our daughter’s room! We had a different one before and it would make it too hot in there but this one keeps it at a nice temperature! The tank size is great and has 2 settings for the flow as well!