Everyday use baby must haves that made getting through the newborn stages easier!
These came in handy with our daughter who had so much trouble with gas
Little Remedies Gas Drops
My daughter was a breastfed baby but did bottles occasionally but then stopped all together due to tongue ties but this was the bottle we eventually were able to get her to take!
Compare our Natural baby bottles | Philips AVENT
Hands down the best diaper rash cream we have used
Aquaphor® Diaper Rash Cream (3.5oz.)
Love this changing pad as an alternative to the keekaroo. It’s easy to clean compared to traditional changing pads, just a quick wipe down and you are golden!
changing pad - Bumbo
Absolutely loved this travel system
Evenflo Car Seat and Stroller Travel Systems
Our daughter did not like to be swaddled, plus she was in a harness for hip dysplasia so this still gave her warmth and comfort but also lots of room for her legs!
Sleepsack® Wearable Blankets - Halo
These pumps were amazing! I had a wall pump but just having the ability to do other things while pumping instead of being plugged into a wall was so great.
All-in-one M5 Wearable Breast Pump
These bras were so comfy and great because you they could be used for nursing and pumping!
Exclusive Breast Milk Pump Bra and Breastfeeding Bra - Momcozy
Having a C-section baby, this bassinet was so helpful to easily take baby out because the side rail comes down for easy access!
Baby Delight Bassinets & Sleepers Collection
Best cream for my baby’s eczema! It is thick but it definitely makes sure to keep the skin moisturized!
Aveeno Baby Eczema Nighttime Balm
These were great for when baby is teething! I would put frozen pieces of breast milk in them and she went crazy over it!
Disney Mickey Minnie Teether & Fruit Feeder
We have used this since day one and it definitely helps our daughter sleep by drowning out other noises!
Hatch sound Machine
Another great tool to help with gas!
Windi the GASPASSER – Frida | The fuss stops here.
I loved these storage bag for storing breast milk! They are so much more affordable than other brands and they work just as great!
Breastmilk Storage Bags - 6oz - Lansinoh
We used these all the time! Our daughter spit up a lot so even when we laid her down, we would put this under her head to catch any spit up that would come out.
Yoofoss Muslin Burp Cloths 10 Pack for Baby
We loved the boppy, although we got it later on as we used another one in the begging to nurse. But this was also helpful for tummy time as well as when our daughter started sitting, we would put this behind her to help keep her stable and work on he...
Shop the Best Nursing Pillows Collection - Boppy
We absolutely loved this pillow for nursing! It hooks around the waist and can be loosened or tightened, which helps keep it close to your body without having to worry about holding it and your baby. It has great support for baby as well!
Shop #1 Nursing Pillows loved by millions of moms
The only soap that our daughter could use. Any other ones would give her eczema flare ups so this was a MUST for us!
Cleansing Therapy Moisturizing Baby Wash with Oat | AVEENO®
I used these before baby arrived so that I could collect colostrum (LIQUID GOLD). They are great because they come with caps and you can just put them in the freezer until it’s ready to be used for baby!
BH Supplies 1mL Sterile Luer Lock Syringe
These bibs were a definite must have! We always used them especially when our daughter was teething! It’s very absorbent, soft and covers a large surface area!
Baby Cotton Bibs 8 Pack - konssy
Postpartum must haves that I loved
These nursing pads were THE best! They are super absorbent so they really help when you leak! They fit well into the nursing bras!
Stay Dry Disposable Nursing Pads - Lansinoh
I honestly gave the mesh undies and pads a try after giving birth and it was just not comfortable at all. I saw a suggestion of using these instead and they were such a game changer! They absorb really well and feel a lot more comfortable than having...
Underwear - Always Discreet
This cart came in handy to have in the room since baby was sleeping in her bassinet in our room. We stocked it with everything we needed like extra clothes, diapers, wipes, pumping stuff, lotions etc
3 Tier Cart
This cream was a holy grail when it came to breastfeeding. It was really soothing and helped so much and really helps heal cracked nipples.
Motherlove Organic Nipple Cream 1 oz
I wore this nightgown all the time! It’s super soft and comfortable and allows easy access to breastfeed. Since having a C-section I didn’t want to wear pants, this was a great purchase.
Women's Cloud Knit Notch Collar Long Sleeve Nightgown