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Children's books that support development

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Not every book is created equal. I mean technically, every book helps to support language and brain development at the very least. However, some are fun and silly like Dragons Love Tacos and other's help to bring up important topics like the Color Mo...

Books are an amazing way to support other areas of development as well! They help to open up discussions and prompt your little one to ask questions. Here's a list of kids books and that area of development they support.

Emotional Development

Emotional development is a key area that has been pushed to the bottom of the list when it comes to supporting development. One way we can support our little ones, especially our toddlers, is through reading and discussing emotions before they have a... 

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Grumpy monkey is an entertaining way to open up a conversation about emotions with your little one.
Grumpy Monkey - Bookshop
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This is an adorable book that labels different emotions and what they feel like. A great way for your little one to start naming different emotions.
The Color Monster a book by Anna Llenas - US
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For preschool and older*

This book helps children understand what another person could be feeling and how patience and kindness is important.
How Full Is Your Bucket? For Kids

Interactive Books

Books that encourage engagement while reading. 

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This is such a great and fun story that has kids searching for the dinosaur, which can easily be found on each page. It encourages critical thinking skills and problem solving.
Have You Seen My Dinosaur?
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Something happened to the colors and its up to your kiddo to fix it!
Color Blocked a book by Ashley Sorenson and David W. Miles
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A classic that should be a staple in your home library.
Where's Spot? - Eric Hill - Bookshop

Spark Creativity and Imagination

Books that promote creativity and imagination.

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Sometimes it's hard to accomplish things without boundaries.
The Dot - Bookshop

Support Healthy Eaters

This might be more for your picky eater. These are books that encourage trying something new.
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Great book to open up the conversation about your little trying new foods! At the end of the book, talk about how it can be scary to try something new but once you do, you might find that you like it. Also talk about how it’s ok to have favorite fo...
Grumpy Monkey Yuck! a book by Suzanne Lang and Max Lang