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Kid Friendly Guide to visiting San Diego

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San Diego is beautiful and there is a lot to do here. As a local, here are some of my favorite family friendly things to do throughout San Diego County.

SD Bucket List for Kiddos

Things that are worth checking out while you're visiting this amazing city.

Avani Parenting profile picture
Even as a local, I absolutely love the zoo and I'm not sure I will ever grow tired of it. 

Plan to spend an entire day to two days at the zoo. It is so large that there is A LOT to see. 

I believe you can bring your own snacks and water bottles if you want to save. 

Make sure to bring your most comfy shoes!
San Diego Zoo
Avani Parenting profile picture
Ok, you're probably thinking… It's just a bunch of plants why would I take my kids there?! It's not just plants and definitely worth exploring if you want something to do while you're visiting. 

The Botanical Garden in Encinitas has a really fun play area for kids. Parents even take their little ones to play in the shallow stream they have funning through the gardens. Make sure to take swim attire or an extra set of clothes. A lot of parents... 

Check the website if they have any fun events planned while you're visiting San Diego. Sometimes they have special exhibits or themed days.
San Diego Botanic Garden
Avani Parenting profile picture
A science museum is always a fun place for kids to explore. Located in Balboa Park, it's a nice stop specifically dedicated to littles. Balboa is a fun place to walk around and explore on a beautiful day.
Fleet Science Center
Avani Parenting profile picture
The New Children's Museum is like an indoor park for your littles. There's a lot for your kiddos to explore and play with and likely geared more towards toddlers and preschoolers/ Kinder age.
The New Children's Museum

Free Things to Do

Aside from going to a park (check out the parks list below because some of them are pretty awesome), here is a list of things you can do for free with your kiddos around San Diego.

Avani Parenting profile picture
This is your best resource for visiting San Diego! 

If you're at a library or store and you see this magazine near the entrance/ exit, PICK ONE UP! 

The magazine has a calendar of all sorts of family friendly things to do throughout San Diego. Some events are free, while others may cost some money, so just keep that in mind when reviewing events.
San Diego Family Magazine
Avani Parenting profile picture
There are so many libraries throughout San Diego County and each of them have story times for kiddos. 

Check out the calendar of events online for a library closest to you or adventure into other neighborhoods. 

The woman who does the ASL story time is absolutely amazing! She has story times at various library locations throughout the week so check her out.
Public Library | City of San Diego Official Website
Avani Parenting profile picture
If you're in La Jolla at the right time, take your littles to explore tide pools. It goes without saying to have a discussion with them before going to the tide pools about respecting marine life. If you're familiar with tide pools, let them know wha...
Children's Pool La Jolla
Avani Parenting profile picture
I'm almost reluctant to share this because it's typically a spot that locals frequent. 

If you're looking for the perfect beach day spot that isn't crowded with people, Fiesta Island is perfect. You can find a spot that will be like your own personal beach.
Fiesta Island | City of San Diego Official Website

My Favorite Parks for Little Ones

San Diego has been upgrading and building parks that are amazing for helping your kiddos burn some energy. There are a lot of things to do in San Diego and your schedule likely might be jam packed but if you're looking for some downtime where you wan...

Avani Parenting profile picture
There are two sides to this park. This one is the south park and just a few minutes walk north of the park is the North side. 

Both of these parks are amazing and so much fun for kids. There's lots of space to run, jump, climb, and interact with the play structure.

The South park is more for older children probably 5+. 

The North park is smaller and geared more towards younger children with a play area specifically for 2-5 year olds. However, I'd say that you can take your one year old and have them explore. It's a great place for supporting gross motor development.
Tecolote Shores South Mission Bay Playground
Avani Parenting profile picture
The North park is smaller and geared more towards younger children with a play area specifically for 2-5 year olds. However, I'd say that you can take your one year old and have them explore. It's a great place for supporting gross motor development.

The south park is just a few minutes walk south of this park. It is geared more towards older children 5+. Both are really amazing parks to let your kiddos run wild.
Tecolote Shores
Avani Parenting profile picture
These photos have not been updated!!! 

This park has been rebuilt and is similar to that of Tecolote Shores. It's an amazing park divided between littles and older kiddos. 

Santa Clara park is a little more hidden and out of the way. If you're staying in PB or Mission Bay then I would make your way over to this park. It's typically not busy with people, which makes it fun for your little ones to explore freely.
Santa Clara Point
Avani Parenting profile picture
If you're in the heart of San Diego, this is a great park to stop by. 

Not only is there a play structure for your kiddos to run around but your kiddos can run around the fountain on a warm day. 

The water is very shallow, maybe coming up to about a foot to two feet high on one end. While the other end is much like being at the shore by the beach. You can even sit your infant in the water for them to splash around (if they are able to sit by ...
Waterfront Park - San Diego County Parks and Recreation
Avani Parenting profile picture
This park is definitely out of the way BUT still worth mentioning because there's a lot to do here. 

The only downside would be there isn't a lot of shade and Carmel Valley tends to be warmer than other areas along the coast of SD.
Pacific Highlands Ranch Recreation Center - City of San Diego