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Caitlin Maxey
God Fearing Wife to a working Blue Collar man & Mom of 2 kids and 3 fur babes. NC Born & Raised. If you like what you see give me a follow!
Caitlin Maxey's Lists
Home Pest Control Items *Best Bait for Mice in here;)*
16 items
This will be where all the things we use around our home inside and out to control pests!
Reasons why you should visit North Carolina!
20 items
From beaches to mountains where ever you are in NC you can reach them with in a 3-4 hour drive. These are some of the family fun places me and my family love, while your here check them out:)
Women & Teen Must Haves
25 items
This is everything my daughter and I use! Teen approved items!
BOY Must Haves
27 items
Things I buy my boy that he loves and I!
For The Garden
35 items
I have recently started up gardening over the last couple years and these are definitely things I will be using and adding to my gardening supplies!
My Mini Raptors (Chickens)
18 items
I am new to the world of owning chickens and it is such a blast! These are things that my chicks and roo LOVE!
My Cats
35 items
These are things that I purchase and LOVE for my cats!