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Good Books
22 items
Katy Duncan
A collection of book recs. to add to your TBR list
Fun and upbeat! A light read
The Hotel Nantucket: Hilderbrand, Elin
This one really gave a lot of good insight and perspective into habits.
Atomic Habits: Proven Way to Build Good Habits
This one inspired me so much when I started my business! I recommend this to everyone!
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear
A raw, vulnerable, real story.
This One Wild and Precious Life: The Path Back...
The show adaptation is also great!
Station Eleven: Mandel, Emily St. John
I BLEW through this in a few short weeks. I'm not much of a reader lately but this had me hooked.
Walk Me Home: Hyde, Catherine Ryan
It's like the final quest after the final quest in a DND game.
Legends & Lattes: High Fantasy, Low Stakes Novel
This one is just lovely to read.
Seed to Dust: Life, Nature, and a Country Garden
Besides the adult themes in the broom cupboard, I love this one.
The Signature of All Things: A Novel
This is a true crime if you're into that.
The Woodchipper Murder: Arthur Herzog III
This book is like reading a daydream. It's whimsical in the best ways.
A Place in Time: A Memoir by Joy Massey, Paperback
A cute read.
The Cookbook Collector: A Novel
The Taxidermist's Daughter: A Novel - Mosse, Kate
SO good! And the movie adaptation wasn't half bad either.
Where the Crawdads Sing: Owens, Delia
An absolute page turner. I was INVESTED in this boy-turned-cat's life. I actually cried a little at the end…it's just that good.
Jennie: Gallico, Paul: 9780140019421
A lot of relatable plot lines. I didn't want this one to end.
The Center of Everything: Moriarty, Laura
An oldie but a goody. Classic. Timeless.
The Neverending Story
RUN to get this.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You...
Really sweet story if you have a soft spot for farm animals!
Flash: The Homeless Donkey Who Taught Me Life
So funny! Loved the behind the scenes stories in this.
Bossypants: 8601400317013: Fey, Tina: Books
This is such a dark, twisted, and incredibly interesting tale. It makes me want to watch the show now.
Neverwhere: Author's Preferred Text by Gaiman
A nice story.
The Hearts Of Horses by Gloss, Molly