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Plant Babies
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The harmonious pairing of crystals and plants creates a tranquil and aesthetically pleasing atmosphere in any space. Crystal-themed planters, adorned with gemstone motifs, offer a unique and charming way to display your green companions while infusin... Plus a little on plant care favorites.
Contempo Crystals profile picture
I love this little propagation station. They grow so well!
Plant Propagation Station
Contempo Crystals profile picture
I swear by SuperThrive for my plants! It helps them grow so well.
Contempo Crystals profile picture
If you don't have any good local plant stores, I've found some awesome ones at Home Depot!
Indoor Plants - The Home Depot
Contempo Crystals profile picture
How cute are these planters?!? I can picture these with a cluster sitting next to it!
Sweet Dream Drip Glaze Planters
Contempo Crystals profile picture
Plant Goals right here…..
White princess Starter Plant
Contempo Crystals profile picture
Add a touch of crystal magic to plants with these colorful and unique crystal pots by Essarai Ceramics
Essarai Ceramics Aura Crystal Succulent Mini Pot
Contempo Crystals profile picture
Cute little rose quartz and succulent crystal planter.  Great option for a crystal gift!
Rose Quartz Succulent Crystal Planter