Encouragement and resources for how we unschool/lifeschool as Christians!
Unschooling by Subject
Unschooling Resources
Unschooling High School
Unschooling by Subject
Learn how we unschool different subjects!
Unschooling rhythm with preschoolers.
Unschooling Preschool - COOKing Up Adventures
How our family has unschooled math!
Christian Unschooling: Math - COOKing Up Adventures
How our family has unschooled language arts!
Christian Unschooling: Language Arts - COOKing Up Adventures
A child's education is more than academics but about equipping them for real life.
We don't just HOME school, we LIFE school ...
What is Lifeschooling? - COOKing Up Adventures
Unshooling doesn't mean unparenting ...
How to Be Successful as Christian Unschoolers / Lifeschoolers - COOKing Up Adventures
Unschooling doesn't mean chaotic living ...
Time Blocking for Christian Unschooling - COOKing Up Adventures
Most people teaching about goal setting, but don't teach enough about reflecting … and how it's important for looking towards the future.
Teaching Kids the Practice of Reflecting - COOKing Up Adventures
Christian Unschooling
Christian Unschooling and Teaching Kids a Strong Work Ethic - COOKing Up Adventures
How to encourage kids, especially as unschoolers, to do “hard” things without them becoming resentful.
How to Encourage Kids to Do Hard Things Without Them Feeling Resentful - COOKing Up Adventures
Schools and parents today are NOT teaching kids how to be prepared for life financially! Here are 5 keys for raising financially literate kids.
Lifeschooling: 5 Keys for Raising Financially Literate Kids - COOKing Up Adventures
Whether your kids decide to go into business for themselves or not, teaching them entrepreneurship is important for developing leadership skills!
Teaching Kids Entrepreneurship - COOKing Up Adventures
Unschooling Resources
Not necessarily Christian but a GREAT book for those who DON'T want to raise their kids on factory-model, conveyor belt education.
Dumbing Us Down - 25th Anniversary Edition
Another great book if you are curious about unschooling.
Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteacher's Journey
Get inspiration for your unschooling journey by exploring the paths of 30 unschooled children who self-directed all or part of their education and were accepted by universities, colleges and other postsecondary schools!
Unschooling To University: Relationships Matter
Discover the nature of early learning and how we can nurture and encourage the natural abilities to learn in our children.
How Children Learn (50th anniversary edition)
Learn about why self-directed learning is the best way to get kids to learn!
Free to Learn
Reclaim wonder in your child's education!
The Call of the Wild and Free: A New Way to Homeschool
Cultivate a love for learning in your homeschool.
The Brave Learner: Finding Everyday Magic
Raising well-educated children outside the conventional classroom.
Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Kids
Give your children a head start by giving them a life of pursuing their interests/passions!
Homeschool Gone WILD: Inspired Learning
Educate for leadership!
Leadership Education: The Phases of Learning
Unschooling High School
This course will lead your teen on a path of discovering the exact steps they need to follow in order to launch that dream career and become truly successful…WITHOUT a college degree!
5 Foundations for Success as a College Opt-Out - Praxis
The full planner includes over 50 pages of creative content that will get your teen exploring and processing to build confidence through fun activities and the truth of God’s Word. It goes beyond confidence building and is just downright FUN!
Teen Confidence Planner
How to quit school and get a real life and education that means something.
The Teenage Liberation Handbook: Quit School
Unschooling young adults as they prepare to reach for their dreams.
TEENS Unleashed: Unschooling Young Adults
How to build a successful life WITHOUT a 4-year degree.