I started my reading year off a little slow, only reading six books in January.
February picked up a bit! I spent a week on a trip and read quite a bit reading then!
All the books I read in March of 2024!
April was a super good reading month for me! Here are all the books I read in April!
Every single book I read in the month of May!
June was a BIG reading month for me! I managed to hit 100 books for 2024 in June! Let's see if I can get to 200!
Everything I read in July, I traveled a lot in July therefore had a bit of a slower reading month so hopefully I'll be able to catch up in August and September!
Back to my usual amount of books in August! I got to read so much this month and it makes me so happy!
September was an almost exclusively Fantasy month and I'm not mad about it :) Here's everything I read!
I really leaned into the spooky vibes in October! Here's all the spooky books I read in October!
November was a very similar reading month to October. I think I'm very much in my fantasy romance/dark romance era. I'm not sure I'll be leaving it anytime soon.
I cruised through books in December in an effort to hit 200 since I was so close and I did it! Here's everything I read in December 2024!