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Games You Need in Your Life

Purple Star emoji 19 items
Clearly I'm a game lover and always will be. It's my favorite hobby that fills my cup. I share everything from cozy games to classic games and even those I'm hoping to snag soon! If you are a cozy and classic game lover like me than you'll love this ...

Ultimate Cozy Games

For the anxiety friends who need that calm and cozy, these are for you! 

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I can't even remember how many hours I put into this incredible in depth game but I need it back in my life asap so I'm praying they release it on switch soon!
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody
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You KNOW I had to include this classic game where you can get lost in building your own island to escape to when life gets overwhelming
Animal Crossing™: New Horizons for the Nintendo Switch
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Hear me out, the graphics on this one were questionable to m eat first but let me tell you.. this game IS SO INDEPTH AND SO GOOD! It's giving harvest moon mixed with zelda for NES and I have been loving every minute of it
Stardew Valley
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This one had me in a chokehold my whole childhood. I always compare every nw zelda game with this one and nothing compares
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
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I know this one falls more into an adventure category but I genuinely find joy and comfort in this big open world, do what you want game! So big and so many things to do! Worth every single cent!
The Legend of Zelda™: Tears of the Kingdom ... - Nintendo
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This one is FREE on the switch and on computer! There are in game purchases available but I haven't purchased one yet and I'm getting tons of amazing playtime. Such a great new cozy game for evenings in
Palia – Welcome Home
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This one is the one that started my complete obsession with harvest moon games. It is the first one I played and I truly cant stress how much I love it as the ultimate cozy game
Harvest Moon 64
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Most wouldn't categorize this one as a cozy game but it totally is! It's adenture filled with puzzled and I cant wait to get my hands on it again
Bomberman 64
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How could I have a cozy list without including donkey kong?
Donkey Kong 64
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I recently started playing this one again and I completely forgot how cozy and perfect this one is too! The animal options, the house plot options and all the rainbow side quests. I genuinely love it and the days are just long enough to get lots of t...
Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility

Nintendo Classics

Those childhood games that will take you right back to fun nights exploring new exciting worlds! 

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Meand my sister played this game endlessly when we were younger. The battle mode was most fun but even on adventure, this was the only racing game we actually played every single bit of
DIDDY KONG RACING free online game on
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I don't even think I need to explain why this game is everything joyful! The sliding level? The penguins? The swimming classic! he paintings? The scary bowser sounds? I love it
Super Mario 64
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Skip right past kazooie and jump right into tooie because this was the far superior version! The music, the characters, the puzzles everything is top notch! You want endless hours of fun, get this!!
Buy Banjo-Tooie
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This is the PERFECT game to play for family game nights! Its a board game and a mario game all in one but don't play with me because I will beat you every time
Mario Party
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Ok but exploring andys house was epic in this one! I loved how you get to adventure through his house I want to go back in time when playing it
Save 75% on Disney•Pixar Toy Story 3 - The Video Game
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Who hasnt played this? It's the perfect party multiplayer game and it brings back so many memories of childhood for me
Super Mario All-Stars

Games I want to get

These are on my need to get soon list! I haven't grabbed them because I'm getting through the current ones I'm playing but please let me know your thoughts

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I have been eying this one for a while now and I keep hearing so many good things about it. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Disney Dreamlight Valley | Buy It Today
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I would love to know what your thoughts are if you have this game. I am really into cozy games and this one caught my eye
Save 80% on My Time at Portia on Steam
Dana Hennessey profile picture
I have been hearing wonderful things about this game now too and have it on my wish list! Have you played it yet?
Hello Kitty Island Adventure for Nintendo Switch