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All Things Grooming

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Make those daily grooming routines easier with these recommendations!


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In order to help with my hair health and to keep my hair growing, I use Divi daily! It is easy to apply and only take 60 seconds.
DIVI Scalp Serum, Revitalize & Detoxify, 30 ml

Dollar Shave Club

Dane Curtis profile picture
The shaving cream I use and love!
Dollar Shave Club Shave Cream 2-Pack, Aloe & Oils
Dane Curtis profile picture
I do not own this, but have heard good things! It might be on my list soon.
Dollar Shave Club Double Header Trimmer
Dane Curtis profile picture
A great kit to start with for shaving!
Dollar Shave Club - Shaving Kit with Razor
Dane Curtis profile picture
Replacement blades
Dollar Shave Club Men's 4-Blade Razor Refill, 4 Ct
Dane Curtis profile picture
A single tube for reorder to make it easy!
Dollar Shave Club Translucent Shave Butter 6 oz


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My wife loves this set!
Manicure Set Professional Nail Clipper Kit-26pcs


Dane Curtis profile picture
Great for wine tasting and preventing stains!
Moon Stain Prevention Teeth Wipes - 10 Pack
Colgate Peroxyl Antiseptic Mouthwash 500ml


Q-tips Cotton Swabs 625 Count - 100% Cotton