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baby toys for rapid learning age 0 to 1 years old 🧸🚂

Baby Bottle emoji 14 items
Toys I got for my little one to help with development during year one. 🎈

teething and using the mouth

Teething toys for baby's first year.
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With this item, the baby will learn to grasp the sides and try out different textures for sensory needs. This all occurs while using the item for teething as well. It's perfect and works so well.
akolik Teething Toys for Babies

fun toys

These toys also help with sight development during the first year.
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First piano for a baby. This piano works well for babies around six months old.
Baby Einstein Magic Touch Piano
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This popular toy dances to 120 different songs and is a fun time for your little one. Best for ages 6-12 months!
Baby Toys Dancing Talking Cactus Toy for Girls Boys
Jessica Bist profile picture
Cute crawling crab toy! A must-have fun item that brings lots of laughs. Recommended for ages 6-12 months, and Amazon has a $4.00 off coupon for this toy as well!
Crawling Crab Baby Toy for Boys and Girls 6-12 Months

Montessori toys

Montessori toys for development - target functional and motor skills.
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Lovevery play kits are tailored by months and use Montessori concepts to help teach functional skills. These kits are the best for teaching babies at each stage of development!
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Best first puzzles - safe, colourful, engaging for a little one.
First Play Wooden Touch and Feel Puzzle Peek-a-Boo Pets With ...
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My little one loves taking out the porcupine quills. You can teach to take out by # of quills OR by colours, patterns, etc.
Spike the Fine Motor Hedgehog - Learning Resources
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Great montessori toy for little ones - this monster game is wonderful to play and feed the monster different colours and letters.
Montessori Alphabet Learning Toy Kids 3 8 Years Carbon Fiber
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A great package for Montessori toys. These high contrast toys help aid children in development of eye sight. They are easier for babies to see and learn with at this stage.
Baby Toys 0 3 6 12 Months, Exssary Baby Tissue Box
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This Montessori ladder was a great addition to our baby’s playroom.
BlueWood Foldable Triangle Climbing Toy

other toys

This section includes all other toys for development (e.g., eye sight, fine and gross motor skills, emotional regulation skills, etc.)
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Elmo and Cookie Monster toys - sensory play and educational
Sesame Street | Toys R Us Canada

tummy time toys

Help with tummy time through these items.
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This llama helps to aid with gross motor skills when playing with tummy time.
Fisher-Price Grow-with-me Tummy Time Llama

skill building toys

Build up functional communication and play skills with these items.
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This peek-a-boo Elmo is not only adorable, but it can help to build upon the peek-a-boo skill for infants!
GUND Sesame Street Official Peek-a-Boo Plush Toy
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This is a great toy for exposing kids to new items and what each word sounds like.
Animals & Nature Flash Cards - Learning Toy