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for all my PRE-MEDS or anyone who is interested in taking the MCAT, these are a few of my go-to study materials + resources


a few things that have helped my study process go a-lot smoother!

Emma Thompson profile picture
the best books! these are the exact ones I have and they are very useful for content review + they also come with full-length practice exams (huge bonus!!!!!)
MCAT Complete 7-Book Review 2024-2025 (Kaplan)
Emma Thompson profile picture
as a flashcard girly, these are perfect!
MCAT Flashcards: 1000 Cards (Kaplan Test Prep)
Emma Thompson profile picture
the perfect book wrote by a doctor who has taken the MCAT, what could be better advice?
The Premed Playbook Guide to the MCAT


websites, blogs, books, etc. that will make your MCAT life a-lot easier!

Emma Thompson profile picture
SUCH A GOOD FREE RESOURCE! Lecture videos, practice questions, perfect for content review!
MCAT | Test prep | Khan Academy
Emma Thompson profile picture
has free + paid resources, helped me generate an entire study plan and gave me an idea of what + how much I needed to study!
MCAT Prep Options | Blueprint Prep
Emma Thompson profile picture
the AAMC listened and gave free resources to help with the MCAT! take advantage of these!!
Prepare for the MCAT® Exam | Students & Residents
Emma Thompson profile picture
ANKI decks are extremely useful, in my opinion they help me the most. MCATBros has a good list for pre-med study sets free to use!
MCAT Anki Decks | MCATBros
Emma Thompson profile picture
the kaplan study books aren't the only thing they offer! Kaplan offers many courses, study plans, and even free study seminars!
Kaplan Test Prep